Strawberries,cocounut, pineapple and Mangoes

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Thank you Anveysha_is_awesome for requesting me to write this!

She reads it over, she looks around to see if she can find who put it there. She doesn't see me though. She waits for a while as she reads the note over and over again. She blushes and smiles. She hugs the note and closes her locker. She then walks the opposite direction. I let out a breath. I'm guessing she liked it. I let out another breath of relief and walk to class.

     I was in History. I got a note in my locker, and I couldn't stop reading it over and over again.

Dear Clary,
I don't know how to tell you this, so I'm going to write this down, you probably think I'm a coward for writing you a note, you'll probably show this to your friends and laugh about it. But, I know you hate me and truth be told I am terrified of rejection, well, rejection from you. I want to tell you Clary, that I think you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, that your adorable laugh I hear while I pass you in the hallway makes my day. How you're not afraid to stand up for what's right makes me like you even more. I know you don't know who I am, but if you want to write me a letter leave it tucked inside in the left potted plant in the front of the school.

Yours truly,

It's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. There is someone in this school who thinks of me like that. Is this not the universe screaming at me to write this person back. I take out another piece of paper. And start writing.

Dear Anonymous,
Thank you for the lovely note, I would like to know more about you...maybe so i can spot you in a crowd, I don't think you're a coward, rejection is scary, I just don't know why you're so scared of my reaction. If you know me then you probably know I just ended an abusing relationship, you seem like a sweet person, I would love to get to know you, but of course if you're not ready I completely understand. Just please tell me a few things about you.


I contemplate writing a heart at the end of my name. I leave it like this and fold it carefully. I put it in my pocket and wait for school to be over.

I couldn't wait for football practice to be over. When it finally was I started dressing back into normal clothes as quick as I could. "Herondale, why are you in a hurry? Got a hot date?" Sebastian asks teasingly. I glare at him, I've hated him ever since he touched Clary. There are three things you don't mess with me. My parents, my future and Clary. Mess with everything else, my popularity, my friendships, but never mess with my family, my future nor Clary. Especially Clary. I run to the potted plant before the football jocks catch up. I look in between the leafs and find the note. I quickly put it in my leatherman Jacket. I run to my car and wait. The foot ball team comes out and sees me in my car.
"Hey, uh, I've gotta go, parents grounded me and stuff" I say.
"It's all good my man" Jordan says. I smile at him and drive home. I jump out of the car and go inside.
"I'm home" I announce.
"Oh, you're home early!"My mom says. "Are you hungry?" She asks. I smile at her and kiss her cheek.
"Nope, ate with the guys, I have a lot of homework so bye" I say and run up the stairs. Actually, I didn't have any homework. I kick off my shoes and jump in bed. I looked at the note.

Dear Anonymous,
Thank you for the lovely note, I would like to know more about you...maybe so i can spot you in a crowd, I don't think you're a coward, rejection is scary, I just don't know why you're so scared of my reaction. If you know me then you probably know I just ended an abusing relationship, you seem like a sweet person, I would love to get to know you, but of course if you're not ready I completely understand. Just please tell me a few things about you.


My face turns into a smile as my heart beats faster. I smell the paper. It smells like strawberries and coconut and pineapple...and mangoes. I always imagined clary smelling like this. I put the note down. The smell leaves me dizzy. I go to my desk and start to write another note.

Dear Clary,
You have no idea how relieved I am that you wrote me back, I thought you would just throw the note away and forget about me. I am a male if you were wondering, I know you don't swing the other way, I don't want to tell you anything else, mostly because my physical features may or may not be easy to spot. I know you were in a tough relationship, It killed me to see you like that, and I wanted to help you, I just didn't know how. If you still want to talk to me then leave your note in the same place you left your last one. I will be waiting, not to pressure you or anything.

Yours truly,

I sigh, I fold the paper and put it in my leatherman jacket. I grab Clary's note and put it inside an empty box inside my bedside drawer. I get ready for bed. Then I go to sleep thinking of that red head girl I like so much.

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