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     I find Jace in the crowd. I go to him and shake his arm. He ignores me. "Jace" I say. He doesn't look back at me. "Jace." I plead shaking his arm again.
     "What! Clary! What do you want!" He snaps acidly.i get taken aback.
      "Jace......I-I need you....please" I plead. Jace looks at me.
      "What" He says. "What is it?!"
      "I missed it...." I explain. "I missed him and....I should've been there" I say. He somehow knows what I'm talking about.
        "" He shakes his head.
        "Jace.....I.....I wanted to see him. But my stupid stepmother didn't let me" I cry.
         "Jace.....I love him..." I plead. "Please help me" I plead again. Jace sighs.
         "I'll do what I can" Jace says. I hug him tightly. 
           "Thank you" I say. He pulls away. I was so close to him. I got dizzy. Then he walks away.

I was in class. I feel bad.....Anonymous, I couldn't get him out of my head. I can't even apologize to him. I sigh and go to my locker. I see a note and open it vigorously.

I understand that you couldn't make it last night. I'm sorry for acting like a child and not answering. I hope you still want to keep talking....Although, I hope you Don't mind....I don't exactly want to tell you who I am yet,

I love you,

I sigh. At least he's happy. I get up and walk outside. "Clary!" I turn around and see Jace. He was sweaty and dirty. "Hey" He says. "Sorry about this morning I didn't get enough sleep....studying you know" He says. I smile and hug him. I don't care that he smelled like a pig, nor that he was dirtier than the roots of a tree. He hugged me back. I kissed his cheek, I swear he blushed lightly.
      "You want to go see James?" I ask. Jace smiles and nods. James is six months old. Jace and I go to my moms house. I knock on the door. My mom opens it with James in her arms.
       "Thank you Clary....for taking care of him for me" My mom says. She gives me James and I walk to the park with Jace. I put James on the grass and look at Jace. He smiles at me. James starts to pick at the grass.
"Imagine if I hadn't saved him" I say as I look at James. Jace looks at me.
"Yeah....look at you" Jace says. "Saving babies, getting good grades, being an amazing human being......and you get an anonymous coward and a shitty father with a shitty stepmother" Jace says. I was about to argue that Anonymous wasn't a coward. But something stops me. His eyes stop me. Then Jace leans in. This time, he doesn't pull back, he doesn't run to his car and take off. This time he actually kisses me.

Tell me Revengers.....was that worth the torcher???????

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