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Aaron's POV

I am going to kill him. I am litererally going to kill him. He has been eying her up for the last month and now he's done this well he will pay.

Aaron storms out of the house to his car. He drives to genes house. Aaron pounds on the door and gene answers

Aa : where is he!
G : dude calm down
Aa : I'm gonna kill him!
G : who
Aa : where is zenix!
G : hang on

Gene calls zenix

Z : yeah gene what do you want
Aa : I'm gonna kill you!
Z : eep bye gene

Zenix runs up the stairs and Aaron chases him. Zenix closes and locks this door and Aaron breaks it down.

Aa : you are dead!
Z : dude I'm sorry I didn't mean to I swear
Aa : you didn't mean to your telling me you didn't mean to rape the woman I've been married to for seven years I'll have you know she's pregnant with twins
Z : and
Aa : one of them is your dammit zenix
Z : man I'm sorry I didn't want to do it I was forced to do it
Aa : by who
Z : a guy who wants your relationship to be gone
Aa : who
Z : I don't know his name all I know is he said if I didn't do it he would kill my girlfriend and daughter
Aa : did you get to see him
Z : yeah gray eyes and black hair
Aa : I know exactly who did this
Z : are you gonna kill me
Aa : no but that doesn't mean your off the hook you will have to apologize to aph cause now she won't even come out of our room
Z : dude I'm sorry I'll apologize I promise
Aa : good now I gotta go
G : Aaron the door!!!
Aa : ill buy you a new one
G : what happened
Aa : I have to go talk to someone

Aaron walks out of the house and uses his senses to find aphs step dad. He catches his scent and runs off.
He sees her step dad.

Aa : you
Sd : huh you stupid mutt you have fallen right into my trap.

Aaron begins to feel dizzy and realizes he's been hit with a potion. He falls down knocked out. Aph step dad takes Aaron's phone and texts aphmau

Aa : hey
A : hey
Aa : I have something to tell you
A : what
Aa : I don't wanna be with you anymore
A : what!
Aa : I found someone better
A : what about Lilith our marriage!
Aa : like I said I don't. Love you anymore
A : fine then bye

Aphs POV

Why what did I do wrong. I love him so much and he just drops me. I can't do this anymore I've been hurt so many times I can't do it.

Aph walks into the kitchen and grabs a knife. She puts it against her arm.

He never loves you


He messed with your feelings


Nobody cares about you


She continues to cut until their are up to the middle of her arm. She falls to the floor and starts sobbing. Someone knocks on the door.

Eins POV

I heard screaming coming from aphs house so I went to check what happened. I looked through the kitchen window to see aph on the floor crying and there was a knife next to her.

Ein runs over to the back door and busts it open. He runs to aphs side

E : aph what happened
A : he broke up with me
E : what
A : Aaron broke up with me

Ein looks at her arm

E : aph what did you do
A : I should have done it deeper
E : no you shouldn't have
A : he doesn't love me anymore
E : he does it has to be a mistake and if it's not I'll kill him but right now you need to go to the hospital
A : no I don't
E : aph your losing a lot of blood from all those cuts
A : I'm not going
E : don't make me get dad
A : hey dad I don't care anymore

Eins runs out of the house to get shad

E : dad!
S : what
E : it's aph hurt now!
S : I'm coming

Shad runs over to the house followed by Irene. They walk in to find aph and the knife gone the see a blood trail leading out the back door.

E : she ran into the woods
S : Irene you stay in case she comes back ein come on
E : let's go

Ein and shad dash out of the house and follow aphs blood trail. They stop at a clearing where they see aph with the knife in her hand.

S : aph sweetie put the knife down
A : no he doesn't love me anymore
E : yes he does
A : no he doesn't

Aph throws her phone at them and they read the messages.

S : sweetie please drop the knife

Shad begins to walk toward her

A : don't come any closer
E : aph put the knife down please
A : no just stay back

Shad takes another step and aph cuts her arm again

S : put the knife down

Shad takes another step and aph puts them knife towards her chest

A : stop
S : Athena
A : I am nothing without him he was my everything and now he is gone
S : he still loves you it has to be a mistake
A : no he doesn't


Okay people I actually cried just writing this so I hope you guys like it. Don't worry no one is gonna die. Aaron will return.

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