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Aphs POV

Aa : bAbe are you ready to go
A : ...
Aa : babe

Aaron walks into the bedroom to find aph sleeping half dressed

Aa : babe wake up
A : huh
Aa : come on finished getting dressed our flight leaves I. An hour
A : alright I'm coming. I'm coming
Li : I am so excited
Aa : alright girls you two will be sitting next to each other and your mom and I will sit together
Li : where are we sitting
Aa : that's the fun part we will be in first class
L : really!
A : yup we worked extra hard we want this to be the best summer ever
Aa : we have a big house that your mother, me your gush and our parents will be staying at
A : it's a really big house there is a pool out front of the house
Aa : I private pool on the second floor balcony
A : and a pool on the roof
Aa : and we will be right on the beach
Li : this is gonna be amazing
Aa : and I'm happy to say my father is taking this summer away from work to spend time with us
A : and my dad is gonna make sure your father doesn't do anything. Stupid
Aa : babe can't make any promises
A : I k ow but it's fun to try
Aa : come on guys time to get on the plane

After they get off the plane

Aa : and now we have a two hours boat ride to the island come on girls
Li : let's go

After the boat ride

Li : this place looks awesome
Aa : come on girls my parents are at the house
A : my parents will be here tonight

Aaron leads the group to a really big house
Li : this house is amazing
D : Aaron my boy how are you
Aa : I'm good dad it's been a while
D : and how is the lovely aphmau
A : I'm good mr. lycan
D : please call me Derek
A : okay Derek
D : and who is this
A : well you know lilith
D : yes
A : this is lily my brothers daughter but we adopted her
D : nice to meet you lily you can call em grandpa
Li : okay grandpa
R : hello I'm Aaron's mother racheal
A : hey racheal
R : aphmau darling how are you
A : it's been crazy we needed Thai vacation
Aa : desperately
D : yes your mother and I do too
Aa : speaking of is Melissa here
D : not yet she had to stay behind to sort out who would be in charge while we were gone
R : she'll be here I. The morning
D : aphmau when will your parents be here
A : theirfligjt lands in three hours and then a two hour boat ride so about five hours
D : it will be good to see your father again
A : yeah though he kinda lives with us all so I see him everyday
R : what was it when aphmau was three we last saw her parents
D : sounds about right
R : and now your an adult
D : with a husband and children
A : an awesome husband
D : I know I raised him
Aa : dad stop it
D : your just mad cause it's the truth
R : Derek you sound li a teenage girl
D : maybe that's what I was going for
Aa : dad your weird
D : I try to be
? : racheal!
R : sylvanna

They hug

Syl: it's so good to see you girl
R : girl you haven't changed a bit
Syl: come on

They walk inside

A : dad I thought you and mom weren't gonna be here till tonight
S : that's what we told you
A : well this is a surprise
S : Derek how are you
D : I'm great how are you doing zack
Z : it's been good
D : so how is your son doing
Z : you should know
D : know what
A : my brother is married to Melissa
D : what!
A : you didn't know
D : no I didn't

Melissa come out of nowhere and tackles Aaron

M : brother!
D : you g lady you have some explaining to do
M : what
D : you got married and didn't tell your mother and I
M : dad I invited you you just didn't show up
Aa : you were to busy working just like the day of mine and aphs wedding
D : what I missed both my children's weddings
Aa : it's okay you do own a big business
D : racheal!
R : yes dear
D : we missed Aaron and Melissa weddings
R : wait Melissa is married
A : yeah to my brother
R : oh baby girl I'm so sorry
M : it's okay mom
R : no I'm your mother I should have been there
Aa : mom it's ok
R : I'm going inside
D : I'm gonna go make sure your mother is ok
M : come on you guys I'll show you your room
D : me and your mother made it just for you guys
Aa : dad don't tell em you
D : no not like that we made it your favorite colors
A : purple!

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