Saving her

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Aaron's POV
I just woke up and I'm in a room.

Sd : so Aaron I am happy now
Aa : what did you do!
Sd : oh nothing except this

Aphs step dad shows Aaron the phone he used to text aph

Aa : if she gets hurt I'll kill you
Sd: well she thinks you hate her and from what I saw with my powers she is hurt and I love to see her suffer
Aa : you messed with the wrong wolf
Sd: what are you gonna do

Aaron closes his eyes and opens them and they are blood red. He stands up and and wings slowly sprout from his back. He grabs aphs step dad and flies through the window and goes towards his house. He flies above the clearing and sees aph and ein. He hears shad yelling Athena put the knife down.

Aphs POV
What am I doing I'm sitting here with a knife

S : Athena watch out
A : huh

Aphmau looks up and sees her step dad hit the ground moments later.

A : what are you doing here

Aaron flies down and grabs the knife from aph

Aa : ill take that
A : a-Aaron
Aa : aph

Aaron hugs aph and she breaks down crying

A : you said you didn't love me anymore
Aa : that wasn't me
A : then who
Aa : it was your step father trying to break us apart
A : what

Aaron looks at aph and sees all the blood

Aa : was this all because of me
A : yes I just can't live without you your he only thing that's kept me sane all these years if you had not saved me I probably would have been dead years ago
Aa : aph

Aaron walks over to aph and hugs her. He then opens his wings and flies into the air with aph in his arms.

A : Aaron where are we going
Aa : we are going back to the house

Aaron lands at the back door and runs inside and puts aph on the bed. He grabs the first aid kit and begins to patch her wounds. In the process aph slowly falls asleep knowing Aaron still loves her. Shad and ein run into the room

S : what the hell is happening!
Aa : sh
E : huh
Aa : she is sleeping
S : oh
Aa : he stole my phone and knocked me out and he said those hurtful things I can't believe this all happened because of me
S : it happened because of you yeah but it only happened cause she thought you didn't love her anymore
Aa : never gonna happen
S : I know is she gonna be okay
Aa : she will be fine just give me a moment to finish

Aaron finishes wrapping her arms

Aa : there she's done
S : you should probably take her to the hospital to make sure the babies are okay
Aa : ill do that later for now she needs to rest she looked exhausted
E : she was she hasent been getting much sleep lately
Aa : why
E : she has been super stressed with everything you know lilith starting high school
S : the girls birthday
E : figuring out how to tell you about the pregnancy
Aa : I had no idea I should have been paying better attention but I've been to busy setting up the stupid surprise I didn't notice she was struggling
S : setting up what
Aa : a surprise for our wedding anniversary
S : oh that's in two days I forgot
Aa : yeah it will mark eight years of us being married
S : okay well we are gonna go back to our house let us know what happens at the doctor
Aa : I will

Shad and ein leave and Aaron sits next to aph.

A : hm
Aa : huh
A : Aaron
Aa : aph
A : what happened
Aa : it was your step dad he took my phone and sent those hurtful things to you
A : Aaron
Aa : yeah
A : do you still love me
Aa : why would you even ask that
A : because you have been a little distant lately and you e just been out of it
Aa : that's because I've been working on something
A : you know I do t like surprises
Aa : I know but you will love this one
A : okay but what about zenix
Aa : he was threatened your step father said if he don't do it he would kill his girlfriend and daughter
A : you would do them same
Aa : I would do anything to protect you and Lilith your my everything I've worked my whole life for this these last seven years have been the best
A : they really have
Aa : hey babe
A : hm
Aa : guess what
A : what

Aaron jumps onto aph and starts tickling her

A : AH AARON STOP!!! Hahaha
Aa : no

Aaron stops and kisses her

Aa : feel better now
A : much but you know what will make me feel even better
Aa : what

Aph jumps up and flips over so she is laying on top of Aaron

A : cuddling with my husband
Aa : okay I feel like you think I'm just a big teddy bear
A : you are and with an added heater
Aa : I love you too babe

Aaron and aph fall asleep

Okay chapter done. Next chapter should be out tommorow if not tonight.

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