Vacation pt 1

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Aa : aph Lilith its time to go our flight leaves in an hour
A : coming hun
L : I'm here dad
Aa : come on aph
A : I'm here
Aa : come on let's go

They go to the airport

Aa : okay we are at gate four let's go the plane leaves in fifteen minutes
L : I'm so excited
A : let's go!!

Aph runs of with Aaron and Lilith chasing her

Aa : aph slow down
A : make me
L : mom come back
A : no

Aph arrives at the gate five minutes before the plane leaves

Aa : okay we are here
Pa : just in time tickets please
Aa : here you go

They board the plane

Aa : sucks Lilith couldn't sit with us
A : don't worry it looks like she is sitting with a girl
Aa : um aph
A : huh
Aa : that is a boy
A : are you sure
Aa : yes and I don't like the look of him

Liliths pov

? : hey
L : huh oh hi
? : my name is jaden
L : hey jaden I'm lilith
J : I'm sixteen how about you
L : I'm fifteen
J : hm where are you going
L : I'm going to starlight with my parents
J : oh were are they
L : they are over there
J : the two werewolf's
L : yeah
J : huh that girl looks familiar
L : that is my mom
J : what is her name
L : aphmau divine
J : wait really!
L : yeah do you know her
J : I don't but my dad does
L : who is your dad
J : they actually went to high school together
L : who's your dad
J : his name is zenix
L : wait what!
J : yeah I'm his son
L : wait zenix told my dad that he had a daughter
J : really my dad like to joke about how I look like a girl
L : oh well that explains that

Aaron walks over

Aa : hey sweetie how are you doing
L : I'm fine dad
Aa : who is your friend
L : this is jaden and turns out he knows who mom is
Aa : how
J : um sorry but I'm zenixs son
Aa : what!
J : yeah my dad like to joke about me looking like a girl
Aa : Lilith go sit beside your mom
L : but dad
Aa : now lilith!
L : don't get to do anything

Lilith walks away

Aa : what are your intentions with my daughter
J : calm down I just wanna be friend I've already got a girlfriend
Aa : oh I'm sorry it's just me and your father don't have a very good past
J : really
Aa : let's say he did some things that he's not really round of but it was for a good reason
J : what happened
Aa : I'd rather not talk about it
J : so where are you guys going
Aa : were going on vacation to love love paradise
J : oh cool I'm going with my mom
Aa : oh where is your mom
J : she's back at the back
Aa : hm you seem like a nice boy
J : does that mean your approve of me and Lilith being friends
Aa : yeah I'm fine with it

Aaron walks back to his seat

L : I'm sorry about my dad
J : hey it's chill so your going to love love paradise
L : yeah vacation before I start high school
J : cool
L : oh were almost there
J : has it already been that long
L : time flies when your having fun
J : yeah I guess your right

They all get off the plane and aph Aaron and Lilith head to their house

A : come on Lilith let's go change into our beach outfits
L : let's go
Aa : fine just no bikinis
A : okay Aaron

Aphs swimsuit

Aphs swimsuit

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