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In the morning

Aaron wakes up

Aa : uh my head

Aph walks into the room

A : good morning Aaron
Aa : hey aph
A : are you okay you seem not yourself
Aa : I don't know my head hurts a lot
A : hang on

Aph puts her hand on Aaron's forehead and yanks it away

A : your burning up Aaron
Aa : is this your way of saying I'm hot
A : no your running a fever
Aa : well we have to meet the pack today
A : no way your staying in bed mister
Aa : but aph
A : no buts young man you stay here and rest
Aa : alright mom
A : I am not your mother I'm your wife!
Aa : I know I'm just messing

Aph walks out of the room and runs into lily

Li : hey mom I have a questions for dad
A : lily your dad is sick
Li : oh well I was gonna ask if we could hand out with drake and josh today
A : that's fine sweetie just don't be out to late
Li : we won't mom

Aph walks back into the bedroom with some pains pills and water to find Aaron sleeping. She walks up next to the bed and sits the stuff on the side table. She goes to walk away and gets pulled into the bed

A : Aaron I thought you were asleep
Aa : you thought wrong
A : well can you let me go
Aa : no your gonna lay with me
A : but I'll get sick to
Aa : then we can be sick together
A : fine

They take a short nap. About two hours later they are awoken by someone walking. I to the room

I : mija Aaron
A : uh my head
Aa : love you aph
A : you made me sick!
Aa : sorry
I : okay so now your both sick great I'll go get your dad
A : thank you mom

Soon after Irene returns with shad

I : and now they are both sick
S : Aaron really
Aa : she wouldn't stay still for five seconds so I pulled her into bed with me
S : and now your both sick
I : I'll go get some soup
A : I already made some
I : okay well I'll bring it up for you guys

Irene walks out of the room and soon comes back with a note in hand and a worried look on her face

I : I found this on the kitchen counter it's addressed to you Athena
A : let me see

Aph opens the letter and it reads

You thought I was gone you are oh so wrong I know where you are and I'm coming for you my darling daughter

A : n-no he's dead this can't be

Tears begin to stream down aphmaus face

Aa : what is it
A : my stepdad he is alive
Aa : how is that possible
A : I do t know
Aa : come on let's go down and wait for the girls
A : okay

Aphs parents help them down to the couch and a knock sounds at the door.

A : I'll get it
Aa : okay be careful don't fall

Aph opens the door and something flies by her head and gets lodged in the opposite wall of the living room. Aaron jumps off the couch and runs over to aph who is frozen in fear. Together they walk over to the object

A : it's a k-knife
Aa : who would throw a knife at you
A : I don't know but there is something attached to it

Aph pulls the note off

Next time I won't miss

A : a-Aaron
Aa : yeah
A : okay then I'm gonna go sit over there and cry
Aa : from now on we look through the window before opening the door
A : o-okay

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