Lets Party pt. 1

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Lilith and jake walk into the house. They walk into aph and Aaron's room and take a picture

L : payback for last night
J : yup come on let's go downstairs and wait for them to wake up

They go downstairs

15 minutes later Aaron comes down with aph sleepin. On his back he takes a pic of lilith and jake

Aa : hey sweetie
L : he dad
Aa : he jake
J : hey mr. lycan
Aa : not need to be so formal just call me Aaron
J : okay Aaron
Aa : so lilith how was your sleepover
L : well I don't know ask this little jerk who wouldn't let me go to sleep
Aa : oh
L : yeah he was snoring so loud

Something falls on the floor and aph jumps of Aaron and kicks him in the gut

A : kya!
Aa : ouch

Aaron falls to the floor

L : man down
A : oh my Irene honey I am so sorry are you okay
Aa : I'm fine that hurt just a little
J : at least it wasn't any lower
L : jake!
Aa : you got that right jake
A : jake!
L : why are we screaming
J : you guys wouldn't understand
Aa : yeah it's kind of a guy thing
A : okay not even gonna ask but are you okay
Aa : yeah I'm fine you just kicked a little bit hard but I'm fine

Aaron slowly gets up

Aa : time for payback

Aaron picks aph up and lifts her above his head

A : ah Aaron let me down!
Aa : nope
A : lilith help
L : you kicked him in the gut mom
A : are we at least gonna have breakfast
Aa : yup your gonna stay here with lilith and jake is gonna help me with breakfast
A : fine

Aaron drops aph on the couch next to lilith

L : so mom why did you lock dad
A : I do that kind of thing a lot
L : how come I've never seen it
A : your father has known me since we were in high school you wanna question him about it cause when he did it back then he ended up in the infirmary I also did it to Jason to
L : you never really told me how you and dad met
A : it all started at a few years back


A : I was walking home from work cause I didn't drive that morning and I heard something in one of the alleys so I went to check on it when I got pushed to the ground
? : hey there pretty
? : mm lookin fine hot stuff
A : what do you want from me
? : oh we just wanna have some fun
A : please just leave me alone
? How about no
? : hey she said leave her alone
? : and what are you gonna do about it

Then I blacked out when I woke up I was in a bed

A : where am I
? : omi your okay
A : who are you
? : my name is Jason
A : I'm aphmau or you can call me aph
J : well are you okay
A : yeah my head just hurts a little
J : huh well could I take you out for coffee
A : sure let's go

And from then on it just went up until on night we got drunk and then yeah

Flashback end

L : wow so he saved you from some perverts
A : yeah
L : you must be like a magnet for danger
A : yeah I guess so trouble just always seems to find me
L : don't worry mom that's how i feel I think trouble always seems to find me
A : why what did you do
L : um hello jaden and then the whole defeat my evil grand father
A : oh yeah kinda forgot about that
L : how do you forget about hat!
A : now we are just being stupid
L : I know and I love it

Aaron pov

The girls are making a ruckus in the living room.

Aa : jake go see what they are doing
J : okay

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