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Caleb walk sinpt lily room and gets tackled

C : h-hey lily
Li : hey master
C : are you okay
Li : yeah I'm fine
C : okay so are you done
Li : yeah Caleb i am not calling you master anymore
C : okay good cause it was really awkward
Li : yeah it was
C : so what do you want to do
Li : I want to sleep
C : lily can you get off me
Li : oh sorry

Lily jumps of of Caleb and runs to her bed. She jumps onto her bed.

C : I swear you act like a child
Li : um hello I am a child
C : oh yeah
Li : so what do you want to do

Caleb sits on lily bed and lily crawls onto his lap

C : well your dad wished me luck so that's something
Li : luck for what
C : uh nothing
Li : okay
C : lily are you okay
Li : yeah why
C : it's just you have been really clingy lately
Li : is there something wrong with that
C : no it's just weird cause you have been all over me
Li : uh huh
C : so are you gonna stay in that maid outfit
Li : no
C : okay well I'm gonna change into my pajamas
Li : me too

Caleb goes into the bathroom to change. He comes back out to see lily without her shirt on

Li : hey Caleb
C : h-hey
Li : hand on let me put on my shirt

Lily puts on one of Aaron's shirts

C : who's shirt is that
Li : it's one of my dads old t shorts that doesn't fit him anymore
C : okay are you gonna put on pants
Li : no this is what I usually sleep in
C : okay

Caleb goes to lay down on her bed and lily jumps onto the bed and lays on him

C : really
Li : your warm
C : alright
Li : Caleb
C : yeah lily
Li : I love you
C : I love you too lily

Lily kisses Caleb and snuggles into him and they fall asleep

The next morning

Caleb wakes up to giggling and camera clicks

C : why
A : because that is adorable
C : what

Caleb looks down to see lily laying on his chest softly snoring

C : o-oh
L : that is so cute
C : it is
L : so anything I testing happen last night
C : no beside me seeing her without a shirt
L : walked out of the bathroom
C : yeah and she was there
A : wait a second
C : what
A : Aaron has been looking for hat short for a week
C : she said he gave it to her
A : no she stole that one I'll be back

Aph peaks out the door and calls for Aaron. After a minute he walks into the room

Aa : yeah babe
A : I found your missing shirt
Aa : where
A : our daughter has been sleeping it it
Aa : oh well she can have it
A : just thought I would let you know
Aa : so Caleb anything happen last night
C : no we just talked and she told me she loved me
Aa : then you should ask her
A : what
Aa : he wanted to ask lily to be his girlfriend during truth or dare last night but he chickened out
A : aw that's cute
C : do you still have that necklace
Aa : yup here you go

Aaron hands Caleb a box with a blue heart shaped necklace inside

L : aw that's adorable
C : I'm gonna ask her when she wakes up
L : she is gonna say yes
C : I know

Lily starts to wake up

Li : uh why does my head hurt
L : hey lily
Li : what am I laying on

Lily looks up to realize she is laying. On Caleb

Li : heh hey Caleb
C : hey lily did you sleep good
Li : yeah best sleep I've had in a while
C : was it because I was here
Li : maybe

Lily rolls off of Caleb and walks into the bathroom

Aa : okay Caleb here is your chance
C : alright all you guys hide
Aa : come on guys to the closet

Aaron aph lilith and jake walk into the closet

C : alright Caleb you can do this
Li : do what
C : lily!
Li : the one and only
C : hey um lily I have a question for you
Li : yeah Caleb

Caleb walks over to lily

C : lily you are the most amazing girl I know beatiful smart, kind, caring and fierce that's all I need in a girl
Li : Caleb
C : lily lycan I would love if you would do the honors of being my girlfriend
Li : YES

lily tackles Caleb and kisses him

C : I love you too get up
Li : okay

Caleb puts the necklace on her neck

Li : it's beatiful Caleb
C : just like you

Lily wraps her arms around his neck kissing him. He wraps his arms around her waist. Aaron walks out of the closet with everyone else

Aa : I guess that means she said yes
A : yeah let's leave them alone I don't think they are gonna stop anytime soon
L : come I jake we are gonna go watch Netflix
J : alright

Lilith pulls jake out of the room

Li : hey mom
A : yeah sweetie
Li : thank you
A : your my daughter I would do anything for my family much like your father would do anything for me
Aa : she ain't lying
A : alright Aaron how about you go get breakfast on and imma go get changed cause I'm pretty sure our daughters boyfriends don't wanna see me walk around in my underwear
Aa : okay babe and yeah go put some pants on
C : I love you lily
Li : I love you too Caleb
C : and I have a question
Li : yeah
C : you know prom is in two weeks
Li : is this is your way of asking me then yes
C : great I was gonna ask
Li : I know jake and Lilith are going
C : did you go to prom before
Li : no this would be my first prom my senior prom
C : then I will be your date and it will be an amazing night
Li : I hope so
C : trust me

They walk downstairs

Aa : cover your ears
C : why
Aa : in three two one
A : I heard someone say prom who said prom
C : I asked lily to prom
A : oh my gosh
Li : i am excited
A : come on lily I wanna show you something
Li : okay

Aph takes lily upstairs

A : I wanna show you something

Aph walks into her closet and comes out with a bag

Li : mom what is that
A : this is the dress I wore to my senior prom
Li : who did you go with
A : your father
Li : wow it's beatiful
A : I wanted to show this to you
Li : mom it's beatiful
A : yeah my senior prom was my first I was so excited your grandmother was so mad at Aaron for asking me
Li : I can imagine
A : but we went that night and he asked me to be his girlfriend
Li : what happened
A : we dared but after our first year of college we broke up cause we couldn't work the long distance thing
Li : but you found him again
A : yeah a few weeks before we got married I was talking to his sister and she mentioned fc
Li : who was that
A : he was my only friend in high school and then I found out he was your father and I feel for him and I haven't gotten up since
Li : that is an awesome story
A : it's how we met
Aa : and it's a story I love hearing over and over again
A : hey hun
Aa : hey babe

Aaron walks over to aph

Aa : I remember when you wore that dress
A : yeah the night I cried my eyes out on in the music room
Aa : it wasn't your fault it was he day I told you I was leaving
A : bit you came back and that is all that matters
Aa : I know
Li : can I wear it
A : huh
Li : I wanna wear it
A : you want to
Li : yes can I
A : of course are you sure you don't want a new one
Li : I wanna wear this one
A : okay go on take it to your closet we can get you some shoes
Li : thanks mom

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