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Location: Norman Middle School

Date and Time: Sept. 6, 2020, 3:45 p.m.

Daniel walked quietly through the halls of his school. He needed answers. So he went to the place where he usually found answers: His school library. He quietly opened the doors so he didn't disturb anyone studying for the big test tomorrow. He walked up to the librarian. She was looking at a strange book. On the back, there was a faded word. Daniel couldn't make out what it said. "Imag ti n." he mouthed. Just then the librarian put down the book. Her cold gray eyes stared at him. "What can I help you with young man?" she asked. Daniel looked at the book she was holding. Slowly he said, "I need a book on ancient Mayan and Aztec history." The librarian looked closer at him, trying to see if he was lying. She put the book down where he couldn't see. Getting up, she walked over to the Ancient History section. Daniel looked around, making sure no one was watching. Then he calmly walked behind the librarian's desk. He looked around the desk, trying to find the mysterious book. He looked under the desk. There was a locked box, the exact size of the book. Daniel pulled a hairpin out of his pocket, he picked up the box and tried to pick the lock. Just as he almost got it open, he heard soft footsteps coming towards the desk. He fumbled around with the hairpin. Finally, he got the box unlocked. He pulled out the book and put it in his backpack. He closed the box and locked it. Right when he got up, "What are you doing back here young man?" asked the librarian. Daniel turned around. He stared straight into her eyes and said, "Sorry I dropped my pencil back here and I went back to get it." The librarian walked closer to him. "Well, you could have just waited till after I got back from getting your book." Daniel was relieved that she had bought it. "Thanks for getting my book! As for my pencil, sorry it won't happen again." He took the book and walked calmly out of the library. Right when he got out of the library he turned to the nearest school exit, and dashed out the door, heading for home.

The librarian watched him do this. She picked up the box, pulled a small clip-on, key-shaped earring from her ear, and opened the box. When she found there was nothing in the box, she said, "Clever boy." Then she picked up a Walkie-talkie. A voice came out of it, "Lauren, what is it?!" She softly spoke, "It's that boy I told you about." she said, " He finally took the book of Imagination." The voice spoke again, "WHAT!?!?!?" It said, "You idiot! You let him get away?!?!?!?!?!?" Lauren shook her head, "He's smarter than we thought." Finally, the voice gave a sign of sympathy, "Ok Lauren, I'm sorry." It said "If he's really that smart, then it would have been hard not to be fooled by him. Now I'll call the police, you take the rest of the night off." With that, the librarian cut off the conversation. She then said, "But not clever enough."

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