Chapter 7

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The Matrix?

Daniel wakes up in the same place he was. Rose and Ender looking down on him. "Good, you're awake, it's time to get going," Ender says as Rose hits his arm. Daniel looks at them, relieved.

"I thought you guys died!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Ender, you were shot, and Rose was stabbed!" Daniel replied. Ender and Rose look at each other, then back at Daniel. "The only one who could have died was you," Rose explains, "Luckily the paramedics got here in time." Daniel gets up and sees Mink. He runs over to her.

"I saw you fighting Shadow N."

"I know."

"At least you know what's going on."

"Sort of, Shadow N was possibly created by, you know."

"The president?"

"Yeah, that son of a...."

"Ok, I get it!" Daniel cuts in. They turn around, to see two paramedics carrying a covered up body, they lay him down in front of Rose.

"This your friend?" One says as the other pulls off the cover on the body, revealing Luke. Rose, trying to fight back the tears forming, nods. Daniel walks up to her and puts his arm around her. Rose smiles. Daniel smiles back. As the paramedics leave, a portal appears. Ender runs up to them, Mink and the other trailing behind. They all look at each other and then start walking to the portal. As Daniel goes through, everything goes black, then it lights up. Daniel looks around, his friends are next to him, but they're not in a new world.

Rose: "Where are we?"

Ender: "Definitely not where we're supposed to be."

Shaymen: "He's right, we're supposed to be heading to a place labeled: Spas."

Ender: "DANG IT!"

Rose: "Maybe we were too late getting there."

Mink: "Then, there's been a glitch in the Matrix!"

Daniel: "What the heck is a Matrix?"

Mink kicks Daniel in the shin. "Ow!" Daniel yelps in pain. They all look around. Everything looks blue, with multiple white spheres scattered about. Shaymen started to look at the gadget. Daniel looks at him

"That's weird."


"Now it says we have three locations to go to."

"What ones?"

"I don't know Daniel, it doesn't say for some reason." Shaymen replies. Daniel looks out at the vastness, to see three white spheres approaching them. The spheres stop in front of them. "I guess this is where we'll need to go." Shaymen sighs relieved. Daniel looks at the spheres. The spheres change their color. One becomes a light blue, one becomes a dark brown, and another becomes an orange color. Shaymen looks at the gadget. Everyone looks at him.

Shaymen: "Ok, I've got the names of the places."

Mink: "Cool, what are they?"

Shaymen: "The light blue is Beyblade: Metal Fury;"

Rose: "Cool!"

Shaymen: "The orange is Dragon Ball Z;"

Ender: "That sounds unbelievably boring."

Shaymen: "And the last one is Five Nights at Freddy's."

Mink: "Awesome!"

Shaymen: "We'll need to split up, for now, we'll possibly be back when we head to the next area."

Rose: "Daniel and I'll take Beyblade."

Daniel (As he's dragged towards the portal): "But, I don't know anything about Beyblade!"

Tysin: "I guess Ender and I could go to Dragon Ball Z."

Ender: "No! Dragon Ball Z is stupid!"

Tysin: Well, you're going."

As Tysin, Ender, Daniel, and Rose go through their portals, Mink says, "Don't screw up the mission Shaymen." Shaymen smiles and replies with, "Why would I?" They both head through their portal, not knowing what to be ready for.

Project Imaginationजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें