Chapter 15

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S.T.A.R. Labs

Daniel stood there, in that room. The only other people there were N, and a guy named Cisco. "Allow me to tell you where you are," N told Daniel, "Welcome to Star Labs, in the world of CW's The Flash," Daniel said nothing. It didn't make any sense. N was there. He fought him. What the heck is a time remnant? None of this made sense. Thinking about everything going on was making Daniel's head spin. Cisco must have caught this because he told him, "Maybe you shouldn't think about everything right now." Daniel just looked at him. Maybe he was right. Daniel looked around the room they were in. There was a big half-circle desk in the middle of the room. A few whiteboards, bottles, and mechanical things around the room. He turned around and saw a red and yellow suit. He didn't know what it was for until Cisco told him, "Oh, that's Barry's suit." Daniel didn't know who Barry was, but the suit looked awesome. N walked up to him. "We need a plan to stop him," N said. Daniel nodded he turned around and looked at Cisco.

"What do we need."

"Well, you guys are dealing with other dimensions right?"


"Well here at S.T.A.R. Labs, we've dealt with people from other universes before."

"Have you dealt with a crazy dad trying to use the power of everything in those worlds."


"Well this isn't just what you're dealing with, we're talking about the power of everything imaginable."

"That could be a bigger problem than we thought." Cisco replied, "I could try and vibe something to help us." Now Daniel was even more confused. What did he mean by vibe? Before he could ask, N began to explain it, "In this world, Cisco is a hero called 'Vibe' he can travel through dimensions and also see the future, sometimes." Daniel stood there. "Is everyone going to answer my questions before I even ask them?" he thought to himself. He already knew the answer to that. It was the one straightforward answer that he wouldn't ask about later. The answer was no. Yes, they would answer a question he was about to ask, but he had other questions created because of those answers.

Cisco began to leave the room. "When you guys are ready, meet me outside the lab, we're going to get some help for the plan." He told them. As Cisco left, N began to follow, but Daniel stopped him.

"I still have more questions."

"You can wait."

"No, I can't."

"Yes, you can."

"I don't know what's going on."

"That will be explained as we go."

"The scariest thing to the mind is the unknown."

"Yes, and not everything has an immediate answer," N replied calmly. N left the room. Daniel stood there. "Now what?" He questioned himself.

N caught up with Cisco. They walked outside. The day was nice. A clear sky, it was spring. N turned to Cisco.

"I don't feel right."

"About what."

"Lying to Daniel, we said we would help."

"And we will N, we just won't be there the whole time."

"I feel like I should."

"This story isn't about you."

"I know, it's his fight."

"Yes, it's his, and his family's," Cisco replied. They stood there for a while. In wait of Daniel. Daniel didn't come to them. Was he lost? Well, they did take him to a world where Daniel didn't know anything about, but if he'd gone through as much as they thought he did, he would have managed to find them. S.T.A.R. Labs was big, but it was easy to navigate through. On N's first time in this world, he made it through just fine. Then again, Daniel wasn't the same as N. Although, Daniel did seem smart enough to make it through.

N looked at Cisco again after them standing there in silence.

"Cisco, should we tell him?"

"Tell him what?"

"Tell him why he's still alive."

"He seems to know that."

"I'm talking about when he was in the Yandere Simulator world," N replied. They still hadn't told him that the blue streak that saved him, was N.

Daniel raced through S.T.A.R. Labs. "How the heck did I get lost." He thought, "This place seemed so easy to navigate through!" He ran until he found an elevator. He waited for it to open. When it did he stepped inside. He waited in there. His heart racing because of how fast he was running. They couldn't make a plan involving him, without an important thing, him.

The door opened and he ran out to the door, heading outside. Cisco and N were waiting for him. Cisco was creating a portal. While he was doing that, N filled him in.

"Once Cisco's ready, jump through the portal."

"What about you guys?"

"You'll be on your own, you're going back to fight your fight."

"But, I need your help, I'm not ready."
"Yes, you are." N replied putting one hand on Daniel's shoulder, "When this is all over, we'll see each other again." Daniel nodded. He had only met N, but tears were welling up inside. Cisco turned to them, still holding the portal up. He nodded and Daniel waved bye to them, as he ran for the portal.

He may have lost the battle, but the war was just beginning.

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