Chapter 11

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Daniel's fear

Daniel wakes up, in a completely white room, like when he met Shadow N. He looks and sees Rose, Mink, and Ender Near him. They walk to him. Daniel starts moving back. Rose looks at him confused.

"Why are you backing up? It's only us."

"No, it's not! You guys are probably another illusion to make me feel weak and, or afraid!"

"It's me, Rose. What are you talking about?"

"Prove you're Rose!" He yells. Rose walks up to him and kisses him. When that happens, Daniel calms down. "Ok, you really are Rose?" He says, "So then all of you really are my friends." Ender and Mink nod. They all sit down. Then Mink asks, "You're afraid of being alone, right Daniel?" Daniel's face goes pale. How did she know that? Daniel nods his head. "Mind explaining why?" Mink asks. Just then, the room changes. It shows a man, and a woman wearing red pajamas tucking their child into bed. "Now Danny, remember, don't get into fights at school tomorrow." The woman says. The boy looks at her and says, "Ok Mom, I'll try." His mom kisses his cheek and leaves the room. The boy looks at his dad.


"Yes, Daniel?"

"Why is Obama president still?"

"What's that got to do with anything?"

"I just want to know."

"He was elected."

"When will he be out of office?"

"Soon enough, then there will be another election."

"Ok, sorry if I bothered you about it."

"I like talking politics with you, you know so much for a five-year-old."


"Goodnight Daniel, if you get in a fight, remember, if you can't run...."

"Go for the legs. Ok, good night Dad." Five-year-old Daniel said as his dad turned off the light and closed the door.

Time fast forwards to midnight. Daniel's mom and dad are watching the news. There's a knock at the door. Daniel's dad opens the door. There's and a man with two men dressed in army uniforms. "Who are you?" Daniel's dad asks the man. The man walks around the room. Daniel's mom looks scared.

"What do you want from us!"

"You don't know who I am?"

"Of course not."

"Your husband would."

"What are you talking about?" Daniel's mom asks, turning to look at her husband. Daniel's dad started to shake.

"You've come back to haunt me!"


"All because I put you in prison?!" Daniel's dad said backing up. The man smirks and says, "You see, the next election, I'm running and I need your help, or else." The two men with him pull out their guns.

"Why do you need our help?"

"You're the one who put me in jail."

"You committed a crime."

"Water under the bridge."


"You help me, and I'll make the world seem a lot easier."

"The crime you committed was selling a memory wipe drug to children before school."

"It made life easier, and they had more fun."

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