Chapter 10

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The Dark Hero

Daniel woke up in a forest, he looks around. He saw Rose sitting on a tree stump, playing some kind of instrument. She was wearing almost all green. He saw Ender and Tysin walk up to Rose, they too wore mainly green. "I guess Mink and Shaymen will be here too." He thought as Mink walked up to him. "I guess we all are wearing green here." He thought to look at her outfit and his as well.

"Hey Mink, where's Shaymen?"
"I don't know, he's gone."

"What do you mean by gone?"

"We were separated."

"That's strange," Daniel said as the rest of the group joined them. Mink pulled the device Shaymen normally had out of her pocket and said, "Luckily we still have this." They turned the device on, it read "Legend of Zelda" then it glitched up, and shut itself off. "That's weird." Mink said, "It was working fine while ago." As they were talking, the sky turned a dark red. A man in all gray clothes that looked like theirs walked by, his eyes were closed. They watched as he walked passed, going deeper into the forest, they decided to follow this strange man. They followed him until they got to a clearing, so they hid behind a bush. There was a sword pedestal, but there was no sword.

"Where is it!!!" The man said, filled with rage. A girl appeared, she was wearing a purple and white dress.

"It's gone Link, away from your hands."

"Zelda! What have you done with the Master Sword!?"

"I gave it to a noble traveler, someone that was like you were once."

"I am the Hero of Time, you can't give the sword to someone who isn't!"

"Well, it's away from you," Zelda replied as Link took out a sword and charged at Zelda, but she disappeared. Mink looked astonished, and yet dumbfounded. Daniel looked at her.

"This can't be right!"

"Mink, what's wrong?"

"Link is the hero of time, yet he seems evil in this world," Mink replied confused because of what just happened. Daniel looked at the man that was apparently called Link. Link still wasn't opening his eyes. Daniel looked and saw that Ender was about to get up from their hiding spot. Daniel tried to stop him, but Ender overpowered him. Ender walked up to Link, who turned around, eyes still closed.

"Who are you?"

"Why do you need to know, Link?"

"You know who I am?"

"Well, who you were is a pretty good explanation."

"How did you get here?"

"Why do you have so many questions!" Ender snapped back. Link walked silently towards him. He drew a sword, Ender reached for something and pulled out a knife. "Oh, forgot I carry this!" Ender jokes. Link charged at Ender, but he just stood there. Once Link got closer, Ender slid under him and threw the knife at his back. Everyone was hoping it would work, but Link's shield was still on his back. The knife struck the shield and shattered like it was made of glass. Link turned around.

"Is that all you got?!"

"Not even close."

"What do you mean."

"I traveled to the Dragon Ball Z universe."

"What the heck is that?" Link asked as Ender made a triangle shape with his hands. Everyone watched as Ender yelled, "Ki-ko-ho!" A blast came from his hands and it knocked Link back. When Link would try and charge at him, Ender would yell, "Ki-ko-ho!" and knock Link back. After what seemed like an hour of that, Link started to draw his shield. The group looked over at Ender, he was coughing and sweating. Tysin looked at Daniel.

"He shouldn't have spammed the Tri-Beam."


"Every time you use the Ki-ko-ho, or Tri-Beam, it weakens you to where you could die," Tysin explained. Daniel looked to see Link start to walk up to Ender, who looked like he was going to collapse. Tysin got up and ran to Ender's side. "Ender! Senzu Bean!" He yelled as he pulled out a small bag, pulled a green bean out, and threw it at him. As Link raised his sword to cut Ender's head off, Ender grabbed and ate the bean. Suddenly Ender looked like he was perfectly fine. "Ki-ko-ho!" Ender yelled as he fired the Tri-Beam at Link's legs. Link fell down, and a dark mist flew out of him, swirled around them, and practically disappeared. The sky went back to being a light blue. They looked at Link and saw his clothes were now green. Link sat up, "What happened, where's Zelda?" Link asked. Daniel and the others pointed to the way the came in and Link went to go find Zelda.

A portal appeared before them. They looked at each other, and one by one, go into it. Ender is waited till everyone goes through and says, "The plan is falling into place." As his eyes go from green, to red, and back to green, he enters the portal.

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