Chapter 6

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Shadow N

Daniel awoke in an area that was completely white, his sword to his side. He looked around, nobody else was there. He decided to look around, maybe he would find some answers. "Am I dead?" Daniel thought, "Why didn't the APEX armor protect me?" Questions kept flowing like a river through his mind, questions he had no answers to. Questions that he thought were his fault for being created. Suddenly, the area changed. It looked like he was in a stairwell, he saw his friends except for Rose and Shaymen, fighting for their lives. Sadly, one by one. They were defeated. Daniel ran to them. First, he went to Ender. Ender had five bullets in his arm, and one in his head. He was dead. Daniel checked Tysin, who was trying to heal the giant slash in his chest, barely anything keeping him from being cut in half. Daniel heard a soft moan. He ran to where it was. Mink was stuck to the wall, five arrows holding her up, two in her arms, two in her legs, and one in her chest. Daniel looked around, tears welling up in his eyes. Suddenly he heard a scream, a sizzle, and then silence. He looked up and saw the lifeless body of Rose falling through the hole that separated the parts of the stairwell. Daniel fell to his knees. Every one of his friends. Everyone he cared about. Was dead. He heard a laugh. He remembered that there was one person who wasn't dead yet, Shaymen. He got up, wiped the tears from his face, and ran up the stairs. When he got to the top of the stairs, he saw someone wearing a brown robe, like Shaymen's. "Shaymen!" Daniel roared. The figure said nothing. Then turned around. It was Shaymen! Shaymen looked blankly at Daniel. "Shaymen, you! You!" Daniel roared, trying to think of the right words. Shaymen said nothing. Out of nowhere, a Beyblade like Rose's, but different. Bounced off the wall, slamming into Shaymen. Shaymen fell to the ground. Revealing the slash in his neck and the five arrows in his back. The area changes back to white. "What the heck?" Daniel asked. The room changed again. This time, a graveyard. The graves he stood near, were of his friends. Suddenly the ghost of his friend came out of the graves one by one. First Ender, "If you hadn't died, we could have stopped them."

Then Tysin, "I don't blame you, we dragged you into this."

Then Mink, "You good-for-nothing idiot!"

Then Rose appeared she didn't say anything except, "I thought you cared......"

Then Shaymen appeared next to her, "He doesn't."

Shaymen put his arm around Rose as they disappeared. Daniel stumbled backward. He heard a maniacal laugh. "You're all alone," A voice said, "Dan." Daniel fell to the ground shaking. Whoever this was, knew his greatest fear. One that started when he was five. Loneliness.

"Who are you."

"Your worst nightmare."


"Ok, maybe not your worst nightmare....."

"Show yourself!" Daniel yelled. The area turned back to white. A purple wisp appeared. The wisp started to grow until it turned into a portal. A man who looked like Shadow Link from Zelda appeared. "You're gonna have a bad time." The Shadow said. Daniel readied his sword. The shadow did the same.

"Who are you?"

"The shadow of who made this possible."

"No! It can't be!" Daniel replied, half shocked, half furious. This was N. He had to fight him. There was no other way. Daniel charged, sword raised. Shadow N spun, not only blocking the blow but hitting Daniel as well. Daniel got up and charged, this time not even trying to attack. Shadow N disappeared. "What the heck?" Daniel said, looking confused. Out of nowhere came an arrow. Daniel tried to block, but he couldn't. The arrow hit him in the knee. "Looks like You've taken an arrow to the knee." Shadow N said as he appeared with a lightsaber. When it ignited the blade was a red color, the color of evil in the Star Wars world. "A lightsaber, sword, and arrows." Daniel thought as he tried to evade the glowing blade that Shadow N used, "Some of the weapons used to kill my friends." Shadow N pulled out a pistol and fired at Daniel, who used his blade to deflect the shots. Shadow N pulled out a launcher like Rose's, except his was black, completely. "Time for you to meet, Black Sun Pegasus!" Shadow N said as he pulled the cord, launching a yellow and black Beyblade at Daniel. It knocked Daniel off his feet, everything began to spin. He heard a flash. His eyes closed. He heard the sound of a familiar voice, then he awoke.

He stared at Shadow N, who was about to face a new opponent, Mink. The battle looked one-sided. Mink only had her bare hands, while N, no Shadow N had an arsenal, that was able to kill Mink before.

"N! No, Shadow!"

"Oh, a challenger."

"Stop it right now!"

"Why should I?"

"If you were the real N, you would never hurt someone on the right side of the battle!"

"You see, Dan is on the wrong side my dear, just like you!"

"You're definitely not the friend I know."

"I thought I was more than a friend."

"Well, now you're the enemy!" Mink says as Shadow N charges towards her. As Shadow N gets closer, Mink does a flip, over his head. Shadow N turns, only to be kicked in the gut. "You always were a terrible fighter," Mink says laughing. Shadow N disappears. Mink starts to walk over to Daniel when suddenly, Shadow N's Beyblade knocks her down. As Daniel's vision starts to blur, he sees Mink still fighting Shadow N.

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