Chapter 2

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N and the book of Imagination

Location: Ender's bunker. Date: Sept. 6, 2020, 5:35 pm

Ender walked back a bit. Facing the wall. "Let me tell you a story." he said, "Take a seat, all of you." Ender pointed at three chairs and a beanbag chair. Daniel was about to sit down in the bean bag chair when Ender said, "No not that one, that's Tysin's." Daniel nodded and took the seat next to it. Mink sat next to him, and Shaymen next to her. Tysin took his seat in the bean bag chair as Ender sat in a black cushion chair in front of them. "Let me start at the beginning," Ender said.

Location: The Woods. Date: Sept. 15, 2018

"Come on hurry up Ender!" said N. Ender ran to N. They pushed a rock enough to reveal a slide into the ground. "Hurry before the springs push the rock back," N said as they started to get on the slide. As they slid Ender said, "I never thought we would have to use our secret bunker." N turned his head. It then became pitch black. "Neither did I, I thought life would be easier." Ender laughed as they hit the ground. "OW!" they said. They looked at each other and laughed some more.

(Present Day)

Ender smiled a bit. "That was on September 15, 2018. A few days before N and I met Mink." he said, "Got to say it seemed like love at first sight." Mink blushed and yelled, "Don't tell him that! I don't want to sound like a lovesick girl!"

Location: The Woods. Date: Sept. 20, 2018

Ender walked through the woods. N was jumping from tree to tree. Then as soon as they got to the clearing where their bunker was, they stopped. A girl was being attacked by a police officer! Well, more like, the girl was attacking him. " You are under arrest... for.... attempt of theft, and.... Resisting.....arrest.... Will you ..... stop...... kicking me?!" The girl kicked him again and said, "No, it's too fun to stop now!" Then the police officer pulled out his Taser. Suddenly another girl jumped from out of nowhere and attacks. The police officer suddenly pulled out his gun and started to shoot at the other girl. The police officer shot the girl twice, then turned and shot the first girl. Suddenly N jumped from the tree. "N what are you doing?" Ender said. N didn't listen. All he did once he dropped down from the tree was knock the gun from the police officer's hand, grabbed the gun up, and shot the officer three times in the chest. The police officer fell to the ground, dead. Ender ran up to N. "Why did you kill him?!" Ender said shocked that his friend would do a thing like that. All N did was walk over to the girl who was shot once, and picked her up. He turned to Ender. "Come on," he said. Ender looked at him. N looked back. "You like her don't you," Ender said. N looked at him. Then he started to walk to the rock, pushing it over to open up the secret slide to the bunker. As he pushed the unconscious girl down the slide he said, "Just get the other girl, before she dies!" Ender smiled as he walked over to the other girl and picked her up. N walked up. "Yes." He said. Ender started to smile again.

"Mink loves N! Mink loves N!" Shaymen said mockingly. Just then Mink punched him in the nose. "Shut up!" she said, "But yes after they helped me and my friend, Taylor, I found out he liked me." Daniel turned to look at Mink, "So what happened to your friend," Mink started to smile. "She left and went to jail for me." Mink said, "She said that she took the gun and shot the cop, and then said that she was crazy and shot herself in the stomach." Daniel facepalmed saying, "How crazy was she for them to believe that?!" Mink started to laugh. "That's the funny part, they didn't, because no type of crazy is in America anymore." Daniel nodded and said, "So what happened to N?" Then everyone started to look sad. Ender looked like he was going to cry. "That's the thing, we don't know."

Location: The Lincoln pier in New York City Date: Jan. 1st 2019

"Remind me again why you took us here, Tysin," said Ender. Everyone was walking at the new Lincoln pier in New York City. "It's a late Christmas present from N to us." Tysin said, "N's waiting for you, Mink, by the way." Mink stopped. " If he's asking me out again I'm going to slap him off this pier." Mink said, "Then I'll pull him out of the water, slap him back into it, then pull him out again, then say yes." Ender facepalmed. "You two have the weirdest relationship." Ender said, "But if this is what makes you two happy, I'm fine. Sort of." As they walked more they saw N standing on a boat. "Hey, Mink!" N said, "Look what I've got!" Mink ran up to him. She shook her head. "You got me a boat?" Mink said, "Who do you think I am?" N shook his head. "No, the boat's for all of us. I got you this harpoon gun that came with the boat," he said pointing to a harpoon gun mounted to the front of the boat. Mink stared at it. "Best. Gift. Ever!" she said running up to it. Suddenly a helicopter flew over the boat. A Gatling gun mounted on the bottom. "I think I'd want that more." Mink said Then they heard a police officer say, "Alright! You all are under arrest!" Then N shot the harpoon gun, hitting the propeller. Once the helicopter fell into the ocean and all the police officers were swimming to shore N said, "How are we under arrest? You're under us." Then suddenly something hit N on the side. Everyone looked at him. N moved his hand. A blood stain was there on his side. "Well, didn't see that coming," N said. He backed up and fell off the boat.

Mink and Ender looked over the side. Blood started to float up. Mink backed away from the side. Ender didn't. He stood there, looking down. Then they saw air bubbles. "Ok, he might not be dead," Ender said. Mink walked up to Ender. "Well if he is dead, would you like to join him?" said someone from behind Mink. Ender looked at her. A police officer was holding a gun to her back. Ender looked at his friends. They were fighting other police officers. Suddenly Ender pulled a gun from his pocket. "Where did you get that?" the officer said. Ender smiled, "I got it from a dead police officer." he said. Then he got ready to fire it. "What are you going to do?!" the officer said. Ender pointed the gun. "Something I should have done when you got here," Ender jumped off the boat and pulled the trigger. When he fired the gun all he hit was the boat. SPLOSH!!!!! Ender hit the water. The officers luckily got distracted. So Mink kicked the gun out of the officer's hand, then used it to disarm the other officers. Then she jumped off the boat and swam after Ender. The others did the same. They found Ender on a small rock. "What are you doing here?" they asked. Ender looked at them. "I'm trying to figure out if N is really dead." Mink climbed onto the rock. "If you want to look for him I'll help you," she said. Ender nodded. So they searched. When they got to shore they saw a note. It said, "N's not dead."

"Wow." Daniel said, "I'm sorry you couldn't find him." Mink and Ender got up walked to an elevator that Daniel had not seen earlier. "Oh, that book you have, look who wrote it," Ender said. Daniel looked at the book. "It says 'By N. Berlitz'." Daniel said, "Oh, N wrote this?" Ender nodded. Daniel ran up to the elevator, Shaymen and Tysin were right behind him. When they were all in the elevator Mink pressed a button. "Hey Mink look." Daniel said, "N dedicated it to You and Ender."

1 hour later

"Finally we're here." Ender said, "Now Daniel open the book." Daniel did nothing. "Open it, open it, open it, open it, open it, open it, open the book!!!!!!!" said Ender. Daniel opened the book. Suddenly a portal opened under them. They tried to run, but they couldn't escape.

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