Chapter 12

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It all goes wrong

Location: New York City Date: Sept. 14, 2020, Time: 12:46

A portal finally opens. Daniel and Shaymen look at each other. They nod, and then head for the portal. When they go through, everything goes black. When Daniel came to, they were standing in New York City. "Why are we at the capital of America?" Daniel thought. He and Shaymen started walking around, they pasted where Battery Park used to be. It was replaced with a college campus. They walked by a newsstand, it showed different times in history. Daniel glanced at a few. Some he saw read, "Date: November 8, 2016 - First Female President is elected", "Date: October 15, 2017 - Washington D.C. destroyed by unknown Terrorist, President is blamed", "Date: December 12, 2017 - Female President is impeached and replaced with Robert H. Grey", and finally "Date: September 15, 2018 - Two boys in the city of Norman, Oklahoma at large" Daniel stops for a while to look at the last one. It read:

Date: September 15, 2018 - Two boys in the city of Norman, Oklahoma at large

The crime against the country

Two unknown boys were caught stealing information from

the principal of Norman Middle School. They escaped into the woods,

but one dropped a book. The book was researched by the President

himself before given to the librarian of the school for safekeeping.

"Those two boys are traitors to our fine," President Grey told us,

"When they are found, I will personally lock them up myself!"

The rest of it didn't matter to Daniel. Shaymen tapped him on the shoulder. Daniel turned around to see that Shaymen was pointing in the direction of the current White House. Daniel and Shaymen started running towards it. When they got to it, there were two guards standing in front of the entrance. The guards walked up to them. "President Grey wants to speak with you." one of the guards said to them. Daniel and Shaymen looked at each other and followed the guards into the building. They walked until they got to what looked like the Oval Office. A man was sitting there, waiting for them. For some reason, Daniel thought the man looked familiar. He didn't know why, but he thought he knew him. "Hello you two, I'm President Grey." he said, "It's nice to finally see you in person again." Daniel looked confused. He stared at the President, not knowing what he was talking about. President Grey noticed his confusion. "Oh, you don't know?" President Grey asked, "Well maybe I can explain, my son." Daniel and Shaymen looked at each other. Daniel turned back to look at President Grey.

"You talkin' to me, or Shaymen?"


"That's not much an answer."

"Yes it is, I'm talking to, and about both of you."

"Wait, so you're my dad, I thought you died."

"I'm surprised by how well you're taking this."

"I'm screaming in my mind."

"Oh, well that makes sense, now allow me to explain some more." President Grey replied.

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