Y/N and Yang's first date! Wait who are those two?

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It's been weeks since Azure died, the vytal festival was coming up soon. Y/N was in the sparring area having a casual spar with Yang.

Y/N: So why did you bring me out here Yang?

He punches yang back a few feet and she blushes a little bit.

Yang: well... I was wondering what if you wanted to go on a daaaaa... A daaattttt

Y/N sweeps her feet and catch her, gaining more sexy points in Yang's eyes

Y/N: What's the matter?

Yang's blush intensify as her crush just kind of picked her up for no reason.

Yang: Well... I guess you could say you swept me off my feet eh? Eh?

Y/N sighs and drops her before inhaling

Y/N: time for you to have divine punishment

Yang and Y/N laugh loudly

Yang: I was trying to ask you out on a date you dork.

Y/N turns a bright red with embarrassment while Yang laughs again

Y/N: O-Oh ok then let's go on a date! But let's get changed first.

Yang: Yeah I much rather not go in these sweaty clothes.

Y/N nods

Y/N: meet me outside by the gates at around 6?

Yang kisses Y/N on the cheek and walks off.

Yang: I'll be waiting hehe!

Y/N covered his face in embarrassment.

Y/N: yeah ok! See ya there!

He runs to his room and kicks the door open.

Mary: EEEK! Oh it's just you Y/N hehe...

Wrex: My door! That's the 5th one this week you asshole!

Y/N: Can't talk need a nice pair of clothes for a date!


Mary: With who?

Y/N: Oh it's with Yang! .. Hehe

Mary: Yang...? Well Y/N can I give you some advice?

Mary puts Y/N in a head lock.

Mary: Break her heart I'll break your dragon balls... Got it?

Y/N: Yes ma'am! Now if you excuse me I got to get ready!

At 6pm outside the school

Y/N: This suit is nice heh...

(Kuro: Really you could only get that one?

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(Kuro: Really you could only get that one?

Me: Shut up! I am kinda rushing with these pics!)

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