Chapter 5

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*Harry’s POV

I kissed her. It was suppose to be on the lips but I thought that if I kissed her on the lips she’ll slap me. I mean just gained friendship with the girl I love and I wouldn’t risk that. So I kissed her on the cheek instead.

She looked at me for a few moments. No emotions. I was starting to get nervous.


Then she started laughing. What?

“Got you worried there didn’t I, Harry?” Oh.

“Yes, you did. And you deserve a tickle.” I started tickling her but she dodged all the way.

“Just so you know, I got better dodging tickles since I receive plenty of those all the time from these guys.” She pointed to Diane and Guen who was staring at us.

They laughed, then I said, “Well if you have me around, you’ll receive more.”

“Oh I’m so scared!” she said dramatically. “Ha. Ha. Anyway, you guys should really be going, it’s getting pretty late.” I said. We all said our goodbyes and hug them for the last time and they were off.

Johnny turned to me, and said, “You really love her don’t you?”

Without hesitation, I said,

 “I never stopped ever since I met those brown eyes.”

2 weeks later

*Emily’s  POV

Things were starting to go back to normal. Harry and I are closer than ever and it makes me so happy.

“Oi, Emily!” someone called out to me while I walking home. 

I turned around and saw a blonde-haired boy coming towards me. I grinned.

“Don’t say you forgot about me, eh?” He said. “How could I, Niall? How could I forget about my little leprechaun?” I messed his hair and he laughed. “That’s nice to hear!” His Irish accent is so strong.

He was about to say something when a Justin Bieber-similar-haired boy and messy haired boy came running towards us. 

“Oi Niall we’ve been looking for you!” The messy haired boy said. He looked at me and said, “Oh sorry. I’m Louis by the way, this is Liam.” He pointed to the Justin Bieber similar haired boy. I reached my hand out and said, “I’m Emily.”

“Nice to meet you!” They said. 

“Anyway, I’d like to catch up things with you, give me your number?” Niall looked at me. I gave him his number and the three boys gave me theirs. 

“Just give them mine, Niall, gotta go.”

“Okay, nice meeting you!”


I’ve waved off at him.

I opened the door and I smell food. I went to the kitchen and I saw my mom. “MOM!” I screamed and hugged her. 

“Since when did you get here?! I thought you were in Ireland!” 

“Took the week off, I’ve missed you sweetheart!” 

“I missed you too, Mom!”

I was about go upstairs when mom said to me, “There’s a surprise for you upstairs.” She winked at me.

I went to my bedroom and I saw someone sitting at the end of my bed using my laptop.

“Emily!” My cousin, Meggie, screamed. I was shocked. I looked at her and she definitely changed. I haven’t seen her in months. She’s taller than before, her hair was bobbed and had full bangs.

“MEG!” I screamed also. I went to hug her. “Did you came back with Mom?!” I asked. 

“Yup. I moved in a flat in here. But i’m home schooled though. Visit sometime, yeah?” she said. 

After a few hours of talking, she eventually went home. I went to bed but my phone vibrated. A text from Harry.

Hey beautiful. The guys are planning on going to the beach. Ask your mom. -Harry x

I replied.

Sure, I’ll ask tomorrow. Good night Harry. x

Okay, goodnight! x

After a few minutes my phone vibrated again.

By the way, I love you. xx

Wow. This is the first time he said that. I would gladly text back ‘I love you too’ but I feel like it’s not right. I mean he is my best friend. I fell for him before, and now I’m starting to fall again.

I wish it was that easy.

I sighed then closed my eyes.

I love you too, Harry.

So much.

Second Chances: A Harry Styles FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now