Chapter 25

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*Emily’s POV

Let’s just say a fight broke in the girls’ lavatory.

“Let me say this to you one last time, McLean. BREAK UP WITH HARRY STYLES OR I SWEAR THERE WILL BE SOME SERIOUS SHIT GOING ON.” She was shaking and the fury pulling upwards towards her head.

“Maddie, we’ve gone through this! Harry doesn’t want you. He doesn’t even see you as a friend anymore, so why are you expecting he’ll come back crawling to you?” I replied and popped my knuckles.

I saw she had gone pale. Does she really love Harry? I shook the thought away and focused on the girl gazing somewhere else while clenching her fists. “Honestly, Maddie, just stop it. If you really love Harry then let him be happy. Even if it means seeing him happy with someone else, and you have to accept that.” I said calmly. But this angered her more, if that’s possible.

“You-“ She pointed at me, “This is all your fault! If Harry hadn’t come back then none of this would’ve happen! But no, you always have to destroy my only source of happiness! You took everything from me.” She pushed me but I steadied myself.

“I would say the same! I wasn’t the one who came to our lives 5 years ago and started dating Harry. And you cheated on him, twice! And I was the one who witnessed it all. But I didn’t say that to him, you know why?! Because I don’t want to see him hurt, and I can see him happy and I’m not that ignorant. I’m not one of those girls that just say, ‘Oh, no. You can’t be happy with someone else, I have to be the only one who will make you happy’ It’s so fucking immature and you’re one perfect example of it! Then after you dragged him to America, what happened? You destroyed our friendship! You ruin lives, Maddie. And you know it.”

I said trying to hold back the tears. Memories came flashing back, the time Harry introduced Maddie to me the first time and I could feel the hate and tension already, the time he waltzed with Maddie instead of me on his birthday, the time he sang to Maddie asking her to be his girlfriend, the time we last fought before he went away.. all of it. It flooded back to my head and even if I tried pushing it away, it’s still there.

“Break up with him.” She said.

I looked up at her menacingly, “Excuse me?!”

“Break up with him. He was once happy with me, and he will be once he came back in to my arms.” She grabbed my hands and pushed me again. “No!” I replied angrily. She took a few steps forward and said,

“Think about it. Why did Harry come back? Is it because he wants his best friend back? Or because he knows you’re too gullible to accept him again? Does he really love you? Or is he using you to move on from me? How come I cheated on him multiple times, he still remained on talking to me? Why didn’t he protest when we became partners at the ball? Why did he trust me, Emily?” She said plainly. The emotions blank from her face.

“T-that’s not true. Take that back!”

I started hitting her with the tears threatening to fall. But she stopped me.

“Really, Emily? It’s not true? Well, that’s for you to find out.” She said and brushing herself up. Before she left, she looked back and laughed,

“Think about it real hard.”

I ran out of the bathroom crying.

What Maddie told me completely threw me off guard. I know I shouldn’t be so stupid to believe her but a tiny voice in my head questioned what Harry. What if it’s true? I sighed, running a hand through my hair. I saw them walking towards me and Harry was looking at me worriedly. I forcefully pushed back the tears away and sniffed.

“Hey guys.” I croaked out weakly.

“What did she do?!” Harry asked.

“Calm down, Harry. Let her speak.” Tatyanah said rubbing his back. He sighed.

“It.. it was nothing. Just old bicker. With her threatening and me some shit.” I replied and getting out a laugh, but it turned out into a nervous laugh.

“Doesn’t look like it.” They all said in unison and I was a bit shocked by that. Am I that easy to read?

“Uhm, no. It’s just my mom. She called me after my fight with Maddie, she’s sick and I need to come home now.” I said, gritting my teeth hoping they would buy it.

“Oh, okay. Let me and Zayn take you home.” Diane said while grabbing Zayn’s arm.

“No, I’ll be fine by myself.”

They burst in to a lot of protests and that took me aback. What’s happening with these guys?

“Why not? I’ve been doing these the past years and nothing has ever happened to me.”

“Well, it’s different now!” Harry yelled at me and walked backwards holding my hands up.

“What has gotten in to you guys?”

“No, what has gotten in to you? You never refuse an offer of walking you home.” Guen said looking worried.

“Well, it’s different now!” I mocked them which made them even more pissed.

“We’re walking you home whether you like it or not.” Nicole said crossing her arms. They followed what she did respectively. I sighed, “Guys. I’m good, okay? I’m going home now. Bye, see you tomorrow.”

Then I walked off the clearing and proceeded jogging to my house. I didn’t look back, in case I see my friends and I hurriedly open and closed the door right after I waltzed in.

I then heard laughing in the kitchen. I took a peek and saw my mom and some guy laughing while there are stacks of books placed in front of them. I coughed and they looked up, “Uhm, hi!” I greeted.

The guy smiled and stood up. “Hello, I’m Jake, your mom’s business partner.”

“I’m Emily.” I reach out my hand and he did the same and we shook.

“Anyway, don’t want to disturb anything, I’m going upstairs. Call me if you need anything.. But I don’t think you need any, mom.” I winked to the both of them which made them blush. I laughed and strutted up to my room. I was about to lie in my bed when my phone rang. I saw the caller ID and hit Answer.


Second Chances: A Harry Styles FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now