Thirteen: Battle Wakanda

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"Long live the king!"

"Long live the king!"

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A Dora guard knocked at Kalyna's chamber door where the princess had locked herself away. She needed to think, but couldn't focus on what to do.

She had gone and retrieved her suit necklace from the lab. Now that she had it, she had to come up with a plan of action - what ever that might be.

"Princess. The king has requested that you join him at the lab and that I escort you."

"Very well. Thank you."

When they arrived she found the rest of the Dora as well as much of the Border Tribe surrounding the lab, jets taking off and tech being brought out.

"Hey Princess." Erik approached. He was still shirtless - and had been since the challenge - but wore a long coat. She noticed something right away - the big, flashy necklace around his neck.

"The Golden Jaguar."

"Heard you like this one." He flashed her that signature gold-toothed grin and winked. "Come and witness the future."

Of course while T'Challa would go with the more subtle, smaller necklace, Erik would go with the flashiest one.

He strode over to one of the weapon's cases. "Damn - see, a hand-held spear strong enough to stop a tank, and we've got hundreds of 'em." He watched the departing planes with pride. "Ah, the beginnings of our empire. Oh yeah, the world's gonna find out exactly who we are-"

CRASH! Suddenly, one of the planes went down in the courtyard without warning, striking the open field and bursting into flames. Erik, Kalyna, the Border Tribe, and the Dora took off running to see what had happened. With a flash of purple a figure emerged from behind the fallen plane and began approaching them.

Kalyna squinted to try and better see the figure. Her eyes shot open. Wait, she would recognize that ridiculous suit anywhere.

She felt as though the air had been knocked from her. "T'Challa, T'Challa - T'CHALLA!" But, it couldn't be, he was dead, she saw him die.


But there he was, approaching them. She realized she had seen him fall, but hadn't seen what had happened after. He wasn't dead after all!

"My King!" She was now beaming, tears streaming down her face.

"My Queen!"

She laughed in disbelief.

T'Challa strode forward, arms outstretched. "N'Jadaka!"

Erik just smirked. "Wassup?!"

"I never yielded! And as you can see, I am not dead!" Even T'Challa seemed surprised at this.

"He lives," gasped Okoye.

"All that challenge shit is over with. I'm King now!" Erik turned to W'Kabi who stood to his left. "Hey W'Kabi, get rid of this clown. And y'all get those planes in the air!" With that, the transports resumed. W'Kabi turned to face T'Challa.

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