Chapter 15

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     Two weeks later, Jean was allowed to leave the hospital with her baby girl.  She immediately called Mr. McMahon on her way home, but got voice-mail (no surprise).  "Hey Vince.  I'm out of the hospital now.  I'll be able to return to my general manager position in a short amount of time.  Thanks for allowing Kelly to take my place."  I hung up then looked back to the backseat to see my beautiful baby girl laughing.

     "She's beautiful, don't you think?  She reminds me of you.  I just hope she doesn't grow up as beautiful as you; I don't want to have to deal with the boys,' Evan said, putting his hand on my leg.  When we got home, I laid Ashleigh down in her crib, got some coffee, and sat on the couch beside my sexy fiance.  About an hour later, Ashleigh woke up from her nap so I brought her into the living room so that I could hold her while I watched tv.  About a few minutes later, there was a loud knock on the door.  "I'll get the door while you sit here with Ashleigh."  When Evan came back, John Cena was trailing behind.

     "Hey sexy mama.  How are you and Ashleigh doing?"  John asked, kissing me really quickly on the cheek.  "Your daughter looks so much like you.  Only a little resemblance of Evan though.  Can I hold her?"  I handed Ashleigh over to John and watched them play peek-a-boo.  I leaned onto Evan's lap and looked up into his eyes.  He leaned down and gently kissed me then continued to watch John play with Ashleigh.

     I got a call from Kaitlyn about fifteen minutes later.  "I heard you were home from the hospital with Ashleigh!  Can I come over?"

     "Sure you can.  John's over right now too," I said, hanging up and telling Evan.  A few minutes later, Kaitlyn showed up with Dolph Ziggler.  "We're all hanging out in the living room," I told them as I hurried back to the room.

     "She's adorable!"  Kaitlyn exclaimed, taking Ashleigh away from John.

     "I'm going to put her to bed then I'm going to sleep myself," I told Evan when everybody left.

     "I'll be there in a little bit.  I want to finish this show," he said.  I headed to my bedroom, took a quick shower, put on a tank top and shorts, and got into bed.  I didn't go to sleep straight away so when Evan got into bed, he was surprised when I pulled his face closer to mine and kissed him.

     The next morning, I was woken up by crying and screaming coming from Ashleigh's room.  So this is what it's going to be like every morning for a while, I thought to myself as I got up to feed her.  After I fed Ashleigh, I put her in her playpen and started making breakfast for Evan and me.  While I was cooking breakfast, I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist and a pair of sweet lips kiss my neck.  "Good morning beautiful," Evan whispered in my ear.  We say at the table and talked about our wedding and our future together.  "I love you babe.  I can't wait till I can call you my wife," Evan told me with a huge smile on his handsome face.


     For the majority of the day, Evan, Ashleigh and I just relaxed around the house.  About 6:00 at night, we heard a knock at the door.  Evan went to open the door and Kelly was standing on the porch with a big smile on her face and a wallet in her hand.  "Can I borrow Jean to go dress shopping for your magnificent weddding in a few weeks?"  She asked while Evan waved me over to the door.  I put Ashleigh in her playpen and walked over to where they were standing.  "After we go dress shopping, we're going to go buy shoes and accessories," Kelly informed me, heading back to her car and expecting me to follow.

     I turned around, walked over to Ashleigh's playpen and kissed her forehead.  "I'll be back later," I said, turning back around and walking over to Evan.  I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him for a minute or two then I headed out to Kelly's car.  We finally arrived at a store that was full of dresses.  I followed Kelly towards the dress area and immediately saw several gorgeous dresses.  "What about these?"  I asked, pointing to the first three wedding dresses I saw.

     "Sure!  You can try on whichever dresses you want," Kelly responded.  I gathered up all the dresses and headed towards the dressing rooms with Kelly.  The only dress that Kelly actually liked was the first one that I tried on so we put the other dresses back and called Brie, Nikki and Kaitlyn to invite them to try on their bridesmaid dresses.  Right after Kelly and I located the dresses that looked appropriate for bridesmaids, Nikki, Brie and Kaitlyn arrived with great amounts of energy.

     "I still can't believe that we get to participate in your wedding!"  Kaitlyn exclaimed.  The bridesmaid dresses were beautiful and every single one was a different color.  After they paid for their dresses, they went to eat lunch in the food court so that they wouldn't have to pay a lot for their food.  Kelly went around the entire area and gathered up samples that were being given away in front of each restaurant station.

     "That's my routine to get free food.  it works every time," Kelly explained.  Once everyone was done eating, we all headed back to my house where I found Evan and Ashleigh asleep in their beds.  "Can we all stay and have a NCIS marathon?  It will give us a chance to continue our girls night," Kelly questioned as she sat on my couch.

     "Sure.  Why not?"  I responded, grabbing the remote and turning on NCIS.  We all sat down and started to relax as we watched detectives solve a murder case.  Two hours later, at around midnight, everyone left except Brie since she didn't have anybody to drive her back to her apartment.  I changed clothes, climbed into bed, and kissed Evan goodnight.  Evan started moving around and kissed me back.

     The next day was Raw so we spent the beginning of the day relaxing and playing around with Ashleigh.  As soon as I arrived at the arena, John came up to me and told me that McMahob decided that I wasn't going to wrestle because he didn't know when I was going to be home from the hospital.  I stayed at the arena so that I could support Brie and Nikki while they fought against Eva and Layla.  In the middle of the match, John came into my dressing room to keep me company while Evan was ready for his match.



On the side is a picture to show what the bridesmaid dresses looked like except it only shows one color.  I'm still decididing on what Jean's wedding dress looks like so I'm going to put that picture on the side of the chapter of her wedding.

I'm sorry that I haven't updated in almost like two years.  I've been very busy with school and very personal things that I don't feel like sharing anything about.  If this chapter isn't any good, it's because I started writing it last night and finished it not too long ago.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2014 ⏰

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