Chapter 12

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     At the super show, the first match was The Miz versus Alex Riley. The Miz won so when he came backstage, I ran up to him and congratulated him. He grabbed my hand and told me thanks. I looked through the curtains to watch the ongoing match, John Cena & Kelly against Ted DiBiase & AJ. First, John & Ted face off, but once Ted gets forced to the ground, John tagged in Kelly. I was cheering on Kelly when the door opened. "What's going on?" Evan asked. I guess I was cheering very loudly.

     "Sorry, I was cheering on Kelly."

     "Can I watch with you?"

     "Sure," I said. We both sat down on the couch as we watched John & Ted face off again. John kicks Ted in the stomach, hit him on the back to make him hit the mat face-first then John did the STF. Ted immediately tapped out since he didn't want to endure any more pain. After their match, as they were celebrating, I walked out onto the ramp. As I walked up the ramp, I began my speech. "I would just like to say congrats to John & Kelly. I know how much this means to you, Kelly, and it's just amazing. I love how much you have been involved with my career. You're a great trainer & Cena, you're a great friend to both me & Evan. Both of you are so nice & are great friends."

     "Thanks Jean. I greatly appreciate that. I am so happy to be training you, even more than you are. You are the best person & someday any boy will be lucky to marry you. I know that isn't on the topic, but it's true. I mean, you're sweet, nice, kind, caring, and loving. I mean, I know you're dating Evan and everything, but I'm serious," Kelly told me.

     "Thanks Kelly," I said.

     "Now, it's my turn to speak to Miss Jean. Jean, I appreciate what you said to me. Maybe, someday, we can team up in a mixed tag team match. Maybe you could even give me a celebratory kiss?" Evan's music started blaring with Evan running down the ramp.

     "I don't think that kiss is gonna happen," Evan said.

     "Why not?" John said, getting all mad.

     "Because I actually have to ask Jean a question," he said, looking at me with a huge smile on his face. "Jean? Will you marry me?"

     "Are you sure?" I ask with a surprised look on my face.

     "Yes I am. I mean, I know we haven't been together awhile, but I'm positive I'm doing the right thing with my life."

     "What would happen if I said no?" I ask, just wanting to know what he would do.

     "I would cry my heart out because I love you & will forever. Marrying you will just make it better." Evan had his hands on his hips, with a scared look on his face.

     "Yes!" I screamed, wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing my lips against his. We finished kissing & I looked back at Kelly. She had a big smile on her face & she was mouthing, "I told you." Evan & I walk, hand-in-hand, down the ramp to the backstage area.

     When we got backstage, everyone yelled, "Congratulations!" to us. I was so surprised. I couldn't believe it. I was so happy. I could not believe I was getting married to my favorite superstar that I've been watching since I began watching wrestling. Evan & I went back into our secret little room to watch the rest of the show. Evan let me sit on his lap while we watched the huge tv.

     The next match was CM Punck versus Sheamus. Punk got the first punch, but Sheaus came back around with a series of kicks. Once Sheamus takes a break, Punk does a

Lou Thesz press. He got up & ran to the top of the turnbuckle to do a flying cross-body. Punk rolled out of the ring and reached under the apron to get a chair. Punk ran right towards Sheamus & made the chair smack Sheamus hard in the head.

     CM Punk did the bulldog then tried to pin Sheamus, but the Celtic Warrior kicked out at 2. Punk picked up Sheamus off the ground & did the GTS. Punk pinned Sheamus again & won the match. Mr. McMahon appeared on the big titantron. "I have an announcement for everybody. We've been needing a new Raw GM so I found one. She was a Raw diva before I offered her this job and I think she'll be great although she hasn't been wrestling long. The new Gm of Raw is... Jean Wakefield!"

     Then the camera showed me so that I could speak. "That's right! First I want to say thanks to Vince for allowing me to be in this high position. I am going to make this promise now. There will be more championship matches & everyone has a clean slate. But on a different note, while I'm off duty to give birth, my good friend and trainer, Kelly Kelly will take over my duties as General Manager," I say, walking out of the camera so the next match could begin.

     The next match was a Smackdown vs Raw divas elimination tag team. Team Smackdown's captain was Layla. Layla's teammates were Natalya and Rosa. Team Raw's captain was Beth Pheonix. Beth's teammates were Kelly Kelly and Eve. Kelly & Rosa start off the match with multiple punches back and forth. Kelly has enough so she backs up then runs towards Mendez and jumps on her with one punch to the head till Rosa throws Kelly off of her. Before Kelly can get off the canvas, Rosa climbs the turnbuckle, jumops off, and lands on Kelly with an elbow to the head.

     Rosa gets hurt during the fall so she's on the canvas so they're both trying to tag in one of their other partners. Kelly reaches Beth first so Beth hurries to grab Rosa so Rosa can't tag. Beth gives Rosa a hard punch to the face then one to the stomach. While Rosa's leaning over, Beth gets her into the position to do the Glam Slam. Beth drops down onto the cavas & pins Rosa so she's eliminated. Natalya comes running into the ring, but recieves a clothesline from the Glamazon. The Bella twins' music starts playing so Natalya's attention turns towards them, giving Beth a chance to do a roll-up pin. Natlya is eliminated so it's layla against Beth, Eve, and Kelly.

     Layla throws a punch, but Beth tags in Eve so she'll get a chance to fight. Eve knocks Layla to the ground and does a standing moonsault to pin Layla. Beth, Kelly, and Eve won, but they don't celebrate. Since I'm at the commentary, I grab a microphone & I slide into the ring. "What do you want, Bella's? I thought you guys were fired since you didn't have a contract."

     "We don't havea contract, that's why we're here tonight. We want our jobs back," Nikki said. "We're tired of sitting at home, watching all the other divas get to wreslte, thinking how we used to be in this ring."

     "Do you want to be on Raw?"

     "Yes, we both do."

     "I'd have to talk to Vince, but I'm sure we can work it out," I said, heading to the backstage area.


     The next day, Kelly invited me & Evan to join her at the karaoke/bar close to her house. "Remember, you can't drink while your pregnant."

     "I know, babe," I said. I headed out of the door to wait for Kelly on the porch. 5 minutes later, Kelly rolled up into my driveway. We went to the All Stars Karaoke Club. When we got there, a girl named Jessica was singing & Kelly told me I should try. I asked the emcee if I could sing and he said yes. When Jessica was done, I got up on the stage with a microphone. The emcee said I was going to sing Temporary Home by Carrie Underwood.

     Little boy, six years old

     A little too used to being alone

     Another new mom and dad, another school

     Another house that'll never be home

     When I finish the song, the emcee says," You're amazing! What's your name ma'am?"

     "Jean Wakefield," I say, looking happy. I hear someone yell that they've seen me on WWE Raw. While Kelly & Evan head towards the dance floor, I head towards the bar. I ordered a cup of water since I couldn't have a whiskey. All of a sudden, I see Eve come over to where Evan's dancing and put her arms around his neck. Evan and Eve start lip-locking while standing on the colorful floor.

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