The Wedding Ceremony

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(Foxy's POV)

It's been a few months since we've been in college. I've been thinking about Mangle recently and thought about doing something. I looked through my room for something. I saw something shining that I never seen. I looked at it and realized it was a ring. I saw a note. "Dear Foxy: This use to be your mom's wedding ring, but now it's for your girlfriend. (If you'll ever find one.) If you so happen to ask her to marry you, be sure you give this to her. All your love, Daddy." It said. I smiled and layed my hand on my picture of Mom and Dad. My tear started to shed and landed on the picture. I took the ring and ran off to find Mangle.

(Mangle's POV)

I looked at the picture of Mom and Dad and me as a baby. I smiled. "Don't worry, Mom and Dad. Someday I'll be just like you guys." I said. I heard the door knocking. I walked down to the door and opened it, only to find Foxy. "Oh, hey, Foxy." I said. "Hey, Mangle. Can I come in?" Foxy asked. I nodded and let him in. "So, what is it you wanna talk about?" I asked.

(Foxy's POV)

I got nervous about this. "Mangle, your the most beautiful fox I've ever met and I wanna spend all of eternity with you." I said. I got down on one knee. "Foxy, are you gonna?" Mangle asked. I brought out my ring and showed it to her. "Mangle, will you marry me?" I asked. Mangle gasped and was about to cry. "Yes. I'd love to." Mangle said. "You do?" I asked. Mangle nodded and hugged me. I hugged her back.

(Mangle's POV)

The wedding is today and I'm getting really nervous. I heard the music start. "Alright, here goes." I said. The doors opened and I walked my way to Foxy. "People of New York, we gather here today to honor these two foxes in they're marriage. Do you, Foxy the Pirate Fox, take Mangle to be your wife in sickness and in health?" Freddy asked. Foxy nodded. "Yes. I do." Foxy said. "And do you, Mangle the Fox, take Foxy the Pirate Fox to be your husband in sickness and in health?" Freddy asked. "I do." I said, smiling. Foxy smiled as well. "I pronounce these two husband and wife." Freddy said. We both leaned in and kissed each other. We heard the crowd cheering.

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