Chapter 5

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Alpha Adam and Brook finished scouring the records they had before they sat with the Elders for a meeting. Afterwards, they had booked a teleconference with the leaders of their linked packs. There was MacLaren, that was their 'parent pack' and they had Ice Lake, Blackwater, and Midnight Forest as packs under them.

Ice Lake became a sub-pack when Zane, the Pack's second, took a major offence and killed the Alpha. It took several years to train up a replacement, but eventually he had been able to turn it over to Alex. They still honoured Zane, and his mate Katya, as Elders—even though they were still in their first century, and Elders normally were those that had finished their fourth century.

Blackwater was formed as population relief for the Ice Lake pack, and under agreement with what had been Blackwater Pride's territory but had moved to a new location and was now Silver Peak Pride. Silver Peak Pride was one group of Siberian Tigers that had moved in just before Canada became a country.

Midnight Forest pack was 'taken', during the action following the protection of another pack near by, Forest Depths, that had been an off-shoot of Midnight Forest, but had been abandoned and left helpless, and they had rebelled and broken their link to the parent pack. The support of the other packs was given before Midnight Forest could try to annex the offshoot, and when they were attacked, the massed support of the other packs made short work of Midnight Forest's weak security. Elisa had been Second to her brother in Blackwater, but when she won the challenge against Harrison, had claimed the pack as her own.

The three sub-packs were ten to twelve hour drive away, so generally they were run independently. Silver Peak Pride and Forest Depths were nearby, so they tended to support each other, instead of the parent packs.  They also had good relations with the other packs and prides in their area.  The fact that the Inter-Pack Treaty was making its mark with the packs there, others were joining, mostly for the support that would be provided if they were attacked.  Many of the packs were small, so the fact they had large packs that would come as soon as they could was a large weight of most of the members, and when their neighbours joined, that they wouldn't attack.

Adam shook his head, "I found nothing, not even in the oldest records." He told his mate, as he stretched.

Brook smiled, "I found one record of 'A fight that didn't go well, it was against the abomination of hybrids of Wolves and Snow Leopards, but they seem too strong for the pack it is. Will need to consolidate and attack when we're stronger' that fit what we know. It was from the Alpha's personal notes, and it seems that the pack suppressed knowledge, and just hardened the border. I found a note of 'Do not pass the river to the northwest of the pack. Any who do are likely to have a grizzly death' in an older record." Running her hand down it, she worked out the date, "It was eighteen-twenties when the fight happened, and what is strange is that of those that we have of what was Shadowed River, there were only two that are over two hundred. Both have no memories of the fight, and when they allowed me deeper, the memories of that time were removed."

Both knew how to do that, but since the werewolves had come out to the humans fifteen years before, they had not had any need to use it; before that, occasionally a human saw something they shouldn't have, and had to have some memories adjusted. It was a skill that only Alphas had.

To remove memories of their members was something that they both found troubling.

Adam growled, "If he wasn't dead, I'd do something for that." He grumbled. The Alpha of MacLaren, Gareth, had taken down him three-and-a-half decades ago, which had started the need to have Wild Valley Pack made, to help with their own population relief, especially when they accepted all of the lower ranked from Shadowed River that had not been part of the attack, and other crimes.

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