Chapter 17

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Zane hated to admit it but working the three new pups into his section had been difficult. Even with Beth's helping them as well as Cassie and Gwen they were dealing with a number of issues. All of them were having trouble with trust issues and sleeping through the night. Nightmares were moderately common as they were dealing with memories of the abuse they'd suffered over the years.

One thing he wasn't looking forward to was the conversation about what happened to their former families. By now the team had adopted them together. It had been a touching small ceremony and as with the others, he'd place copies of their plaques on the wall. All of them had cried since it made them feel like they really belonged. Even after joining the pack they'd been scared of getting tossed out. Seeing the plaques placed with the others made them feel wanted. He remembered that afternoon, after returning and finding three more pups in the pod than he was expecting:

When Tessa came to him with the pup's worries he went and talked to Adam to talk to him. With the children at class most of the team had come with him. They'd walked into Adam's office and met his eyes. It was something he rarely did and only to show how serious he was, "Adam, Tessa came to me about the three pups who seemed to have decided they wanted to adopt Kat and me. I talked to the team and everyone wants to adopt them. Not Kat and me but the team wishes to adopt them."

He was forced to growl before Kat and Tessa comforted him, "Sorry, they are scared they might be tossed out of the pack due to how they've been treated. I'd like to do something to help them feel better and safer." The others in the pack started growling, even the junior wolves.

Adam looked at him and growled back since it hit so close to home. So far they only had Tala and Randall and they were so valued. Not just as the heir but as their pups, "They were bonded to the pack, and the official greeting and introduction is planned for tonight." He gave a good hug to both of his seconds.

Zane had to smile as the memories of that evening came back. Kat had sent them to hi:

Kat escorted the three to Adam's office the morning after the three arrived back at the pack from their run down, guarded by a patrol that had come down from the northern end. The three were too tired to do them that night, so they did them after the pups had a good rest. She smiled, since Brook was there as well, "They have a very important question to all three of you. Since you haven't joined the pack, Adam wants to ask if you'd like to. What he asks is very important and you will need to think about your response."

All three were very enthusiastic in their wish to join the pack.

Adam looked at them as he waved the three over, "Pay attention and answer honestly." He asked them the usual questions and when they said yes, he brought them into the pack, "Take them to their room and let them sleep." All three were looking pained with the headache and even a bit woozy. "I'll have Lupita start on the party," although he had actually mentioned it to her the night before.

Kat, Tessa, and Olivia picked the three up and walked out of the office with them. When they reached the room the three were sharing they settled down. Since Rachel and Jake had dealt with the bonding they took care of them, "Relax and you will be fine soon, it's the forming of new bonds is a bit of a shock to the mind, and it takes them a bit to recover. If you can sleep do so. Let the cold water and wash cloths help." Zane was due back early afternoon, and the three should be recovered by then.

That evening Zane and the team escorted them to the edge of the deck that made a nice raised platform, so everyone could see, "Relax, you'll understand soon." He told the three, as he could smell their fear. He had the help of his team since they were looking really worried. The team gathered around them and gave them a sense of security.

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