Chapter 8

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As Zane was leaving the clearing, he called for one of the quick response teams to meet him where the hikers were reported to be. It was going to take him about an hour to reach the location even at his best speed. When Kat let him know she would stand in for him he sent her a wave of love. By the time he reached the location, he was panting slightly. He found a nearby stream and lapped up some water before he checked on the QRF—quick response force— and they were going to be there soon, *Going ahead to see what I can find. I'll let you know.*

He started on a search pattern and eventually found some new smells. He started to track the odour since he assumed it was from the lost people, as it was of two females and a male. He slowed down to keep from possibly loosing the scent. As he was moving it was getting stronger. What bothered him was the scent of pain. It was possible someone had tripped and hurt themselves but it still bothered him.

When he received a send from the team he stopped, *We are catching up with you. Have a sled and medical equipment as needed. We should catch up with you soon.*

He gave a low woof, *Good, smelling pain and blood but not much else. Should be there soon.* When he arrived at the site he slowly walked in and shifted. He quickly pulled on some clothing, "I'm Second Zane of the Wild Valley pack. What's wrong?" Now he could smell blood as well. One of the hikers was leaning against a tree and had what was probably a bad laceration and possible broken ankle.

The three hikers jumped when he stepped out of the forest and shifted. Even though wolves had been out for a while it was still rare to see one shift. All three stared at him as he was dressing since he was hot. They knew he had a mate since they'd seen the broadcasts but one of the women was almost drooling.

"Um, Char slipped on a rock and got a gash and maybe a broken ankle. Are you here to help?" They used what they had to bind the wound but all they had was a small first aid kit and it didn't have nearly as much as what they needed.

"Yes and I have a rescue team coming also. Let me take a look." He slung the pack off and ignored them staring at the buttstock of his rifle and the sword. He pulled out a much larger first aid kit and sliced the makeshift bandage off using a shifted claw, so he could take a look. It was bad and almost down to the bone, and was slightly infected, "You are going to need to be taken to the pack house for treatment. That is a very bad wound." He started bandaging it and ensured there was enough pressure to slow the bleeding but allow enough blood to keep her foot okay. He checked her ankle and frowned, "Yup, looks to be broken or dislocated. The rescue team has a larger medical kit and they'll brace it for you."

Even as he was talking the rescue team arrived with the pull stretcher. He looked at them, "She has a bad laceration to one leg, a broken ankle, and has lost some blood. She needs to go to the pack house for treatment. Take the other two with you and ensure they are taken care of. If she gets too bad call for a wolf to escort them and head back as fast as is reasonable."

He looked at the three women, "I need to get back to what I was doing. These are very trusted wolves and they'll take care of you. I might see you once I'm done with my assignment. If not, I hope everything goes well for you." He stripped and changed before leaving at a lope. The rescue team would take it from there. It took some time but he finally arrived back at the meeting site, *Found the hikers, one had a broken ankle and a bad laceration. The rescue team is taking them to the pack house.* "Apologies but rescues come before almost anything." He settled down after changing and checked with Kat to see what he'd missed.


Ice smiled, when Zane ran off to look for some wayward humans.  "I like that idea. It would keep the humans from traipsing through your territory looking for the lost ones, when we can do it much more efficiently." The formal part was over, so mostly it has been a gathering, and exchanging of gossip between the packs and getting to know the new one.

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