Chapter 10 - Have Teachers, Will Travel

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Lea led a small convoy of three other wolves to the north a short week after the conference concluded. Her first visit had been interesting. A bunch of her questions had been answered with blank look. Robin had joined her for this run, but he would be mostly staying at the small site at the border for the next while after dropping off the load, till some of the cats—to her, the White Peak seemed to be more cat. They didn't seem to mind if she called them cats instead of wolves—were ready to be taught about computers and technology.

First, was to get them through the Bronze Era and Industrial Revolution, as Fast Paws seemed to have known a fair bit, but there were major gaps in his knowledge, and he didn't know the why for most of it, and many were asking that.

Each were pulling a heavy sled full of all the textbooks she had been able to get her paws on, and some basic camping gear. They had purchased several large tents that would be set up to shelter the pack, for those that wanted it, and a couple smaller ones to shelter all the books, even if they were packed in waterproof cases.

Dan and Kyle were two that had become teachers under her, and they were relishing this trip. She had grown up with them, and they had been fairly submissive. Both had qualified as Delta, while neither liked to fight, they would stand up for what they felt was right. She had been amused when she overheard them about if they would find their mates at the pack; if they did, they would have to figure out which would change packs.

Robin had found it funny that their team didn't just have four of the six techs their pack had, but also had the three full-time teachers in it. The Alphas had given the team the title of "Learning and Technology." The first time he had used that, she had growled, even if it was correct. They worked with the Elders to set the curriculums and the other details for the training of the pack.

They were the ones that did the research and found the details for those that took training outside of the Pack. Lea even had the certification that she could supervise any of the exams for any remote-learning, so that they didn't have to travel elsewhere.

*Why don't we just tell them 'it's magic' and give them the tablets?* Kyle complained, as they were down to a slow walk, as they went over the toughest part of the trip. A well-used trail had formed in parts from all the traffic dealing with the new neighbours. Once reason was it was a tougher area to get to, with steep ridges to cross.

*Stop whining* Lea ordered, from where she led everyone. *It was decided that it would not be good to do so. This is the best way I could think of it. If you don't stop, I will add teaching in the waste treatment specialist to your record.*

Robin panted a little harder as he brought up the rear, laughing a bit as he saw both males shudder. It had become a commonly used punishment, and even more a threat for the pack. Some got a day, and the bad ones got longer. They not only had the waste water, but also the part that took the solids and after drying, turned it into compost, and then bagged it up. They used it in their gardens, but they produced much more than they needed. There were farmers that bought it, and that money in turn was used to pay for their flour, and other food stuffs that they didn't make locally.

Reaching the top of the ridge, they had a half hour rest. While the sleds moved well over the ground, being smoothed to just float over roots, rocks, and branches, they still had a fair amount of friction.

Each of the sleds Lea thought were 250 kilograms. She had joked when they started they were literally bringing a tonne of knowledge to the White Peak Pack.

The run down the path was as daunting as the climb, as none of them wanted one of the sleds to get out of control; if they did it could be dangerous.

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