Chapter 6 - Meeting the Neighbours

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Adam and Brook stood and hid their surprise, as they turned to face them. A woman stepped out behind the man, as they padded up on bare feet to where the wolves were sitting. "Welcome, and freely join us at our fire." He offered, using some words the Elders had told him to use.

"Thank you." The man replied, sitting down on the pad near the fire. "I am Alpha Fast Bite, and this is my mate Luna Ice," he said in introduction.

The second the two new strange, whatever she considered them she didn't even think, her sword came out and was standing in from of her Alpha's to obviously protect them. Mentally she called the rest of her team move closer, "Orders Alpha's?"

Zane felt the spike of concern. It wasn't fear or if they were in danger, just the spike of emotion, *Let me know what's going on. I have the cavalry ready if needed.* He'd added additional security close enough to support but close enough to arrive quickly and remain hidden.

Adam shook his head and motioned for them to relax, *Stand down. We want to not realise they startled us.* He moved to stir the stew that was staying warm at the edge of the small fire they had going, to cover his own start of surprise. *It's all posturing.*

Brook smiled as Adam stirred the stew, and ladled out a couple of bowls of food, and offered it to their guests. "I am Alpha Brook, and my mate is Alpha Adam. With us is our Second, Katya, and a companion animal to Adam, Charlie." Adam passed her another bowl, and took the last one, so that they could show that they were not trying to poison them, and to start to build trust.

"Sorry, Alpha's. Been protecting them for years. Same with my mate. Zane's been their second for years longer than I've been and he's helped train me well." The casual ease of how she'd removed the sword and put it back showed years of practice.

"You two seem young for being alphas," Ice stated. Sharp Tooth had told them about Charlie, but could see where the confusion had been, as they were as large as a Were, and had a bit of a Were's scent.

Their clothing looked finer than the finest weave that they had ever seen, and they must have been made with hair-thin strands. There were no signs the seams had been re-stitched many times, either. There was no scent they could tell that it was wool, and it wasn't a fur, so wasn't sure what it was then. They could tell that when they had hidden from the world, in only just over two centuries, there had been so many changes, they didn't know if they could catch up!

Brook laughed, "We are; we are a bit under a century, but we were thrust into leading, when Adam defeated another Alpha in a challenge, and they decided they couldn't live with defeat, and used their own weapon to die. The pack declared us their alpha, even though we were not yet into our fourth decade."

Ice grinned at that, "Good! From the way you act, you balance your youth with listening to your elders."

"Maybe not my mate. Every time he's called Elder it makes him grump." Katya added. She had to admit she was insanely proud of everything he'd done. He'd gone from being turned by a Rogue and not even knowing werewolves existed, and when the rogue attacked him, he had been hit by a car, so had been in a coma for several months, and during that time, his parents killed and his sister seriously injured in a car crash, and waking to find that out, and being moved to where his uncle, who was a werewolf, was living with his pack, and all the learning about being a werewolf entailed.

"We do." Adam agreed, "They are a wealth of knowledge, so it would not serve the pack to not use it." At the confused look, "Katya's mate, Zane, took out a nasty Alpha as part of helping one of our allied prides, and as they had nothing like an Heir, the pack took him as their Alpha, but he took enough time to train a replacement to our high standards, then resigned to return to be our Second."

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