Chapter Eight.

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7 days until the wedding.
Reader's POV:

I woke up, and realised that yesterday my last day of bed rest. I sprung out of the bed, then realised that that was a bad choice. I winced and hissed in pain, putting a hand on my torso. Simon got up, and swept me off of my feet. I squealed in surprise. He gave a chuckle.

"Bad choice, getting out of bed like that." He stated, and I nodded.

"My torso is killing me." I replied, then he lifted up my shirt and gasped. It was covered in bandages.

"The barb wire cut it when I fell into the lake." I told him.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier love?" He questioned, and kissed my temple.

"Because I didn't want you to worry." Then  we, well he, walked downstairs.

The kids were all sitting around the table, chatting. Cook served them, then Belle, then put two plates of food out for Simon and I. Simon sat me down in my seat, then he sat down in his. I cocked a brow.

"It was all Thomas' doing, Nanny Johnson." Belle stated, and I looked at him and gave a grateful smile.

He nodded and smiled in return.

"I figured that you should take it easy today." He stated, and Simon ruffled Thomas' hair.

"I'm proud of you, my boy." Simon muttered, and Thomas leant into his Father's side.

They stayed like that as we all ate in a comfortable silence. Zaira leant into my side by accident. Everyone at the table gasped.

"I'm so sorry Nanny Johnson!" She exclaimed, and I put a hand carefully on my torso where she just leant.

"It's fine, dear." I lied, and she nodded.

"Hold on. Did everybody else and not me know about the barb wire injuries?!" Simon questioned, and we nodded.

"Nanny Johnson didn't want you to worry, Papa." Ophelia told him, and Simon sighed and nodded.

"So, we're going dress and tux shopping on the 15th. I can't wait!" Liam exclaimed, changing the conversation.

I gave him a small grateful smile, and he beamed his pearly white one back.

"What are the tuxes' and dresses' colour going to be?" Tatiana questioned.

"Dark purple." Charlotte replied, happily eating a piece of bacon.

"How'd you know?" Zaira asked.

"Because Nanny Johnson has already mentioned this." Colin pointed out, and the girls nodded.

"What lesson are we going to be learning today?" Tatiana queried.

I shrugged.

"I haven't decided yet." I responded, then thought for a bit.

"How about; Lesson Seven: Help Each Other." I said, and the children nodded.

"We have to do something absolutely ridiculous to learn this lesson, don't we?" Thomas groaned, and I smirked, then nodded.

"That's how you learn all of Mama's lessons." Endi pointed out, and they all laughed.

We got up from the table, and went up to our rooms and got ready for the day. We assembled back in the living room when we were done.

"Now, I don't know how I'm going to teach you this lesson yet, so just play some board games until I think up how to teach you the lesson." I said, and the children nodded, then started playing a card game.

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