Back Together; Lee Felix

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{this is for cherenne } {short}

Felix walked down the noisy corridor. He heard Chan and the boys talking to someone.

'Y/N you're such a good dancer!'

Minho complimented you, Felix stopped. Y/N. Your name made his heart shatter.

He walked in, it's not like he could avoid you forever.

'Hey Felix! Meet our new mentor!'

'Hi I'm-'

you looked at Felix. You felt your cheeks heat up and you looked down. Feeling flying back to you, feelings you wished you forgot.


Felix trailed off. You smiled and sighed.

————*like two weeks later or smthn*—————

Felix walked into the room seeing you. He smiled and ran out, getting the roses he left by the wall.


You turned around and looked at the smiling boy with roses. You giggled and blushed hard.

'Thank you, Felix'

You bowed and took them, it reminded you of when you went out.

'Felix..I really miss you'

You smiled at him sadly, he sighed and walked up to you. Holding you tight. 

'Want to practice that dance we did?'


Lights low, music on. Felix and you began dancing. He desperately needed the end to come. His favorite part.

He let you tease him, after all it was in the dance. You let him tease you, after all it was in the dance.

''Cause all I want is you, I had a little bit too much girl. So come over here...'

The end. Felix pressed you against the wall. The song ended and you both faced each other panting.

He took this as an opportunity to lean in and press his lips against yours. You didn't resist, you immediately kissed back.


Felix pulled away, turning to see the boys staring at the two.

'Meet my girlfriend!'

You blushed and shrugged.

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