Chapter 5 ..:.. Easton

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"Oh, be careful Jeanette. Not too tight. I want to be able to breathe." Jeanette responded by loosening the ties on my corset, though only slightly. "Ella mentioned she was going to introduce me to Lord John Easton, and mentioned, not so subtly I might add, that he is looking for a wife to take back to England. She thought I'd make the perfect match. And then again yesterday evening."

 "How ghastly of her." Jeanette replied, mocking me. I turned around, forcing her to release the strings.

"Is there something you would like to say Jeanette?" She looked at me, a smile playing at her lips. She gently pushed me back around to face the mirror, and continued pulling and knotting.

"Is it just that you are eighteen years of age and your family's Lady. Do you not agree that it is time you wed? Maybe Lord Easton is the better option now that Prince Aaron is...unavailable." She chose her words carefully. "Lift." I proceeded to lift my arms as she slid my dress over my head and pulled and tugged until it was in place. "Please Riella, consider it with an open mind. I do not want to see you alone, and childless for the rest of your life."


"He loves hunting and children. He certainly wants children. Be kind and your womanly self, and he's sure to love you. England is surely in your future." I forced a smile as Ella looked away. "We are almost here!" She squeaked with excitement.

The carriage came to a stop, the sudden silence was upsetting. I had missed the bumps and jolts the carriage had made during the trip. It had meant we weren't there. It meant Lord Easton wasn't standing outside our carriage. "Oh Riella, I wish you all the best." Ella clasped my hands, awaiting the knock on the carriage door. It came a few seconds later, with Ella flinging open the door and almost knocking the poor footman over. Ignoring the man, she rushed out of the carriage and over to a man I presumed was Lord Easton. She let him kiss her hand, before hugging him.

I took the hand of the footman and lowered myself, holding onto my skirts. My hat shielded my face from the rare sun for a moment, but as I looked up, I saw Lord Easton. He had stopped talking to Ella, staring past her at me, bewildered. I felt my face go hot, and I looked away, smiling. No other man except Aaron had every looked at me like that.

 "Lady Rodriguez, it's a pleasure. I am Lord John Easton." I looked up at his handsome face and smiled. I dipped into a slight curtsy and held out my gloved hand. He kissed it tenderly, watched my expressions.

"Lord Easton, what a pleasure. Lady Ella has told me so much about you. If feels as though I already know you." He bowed his head and laughed.

"I am afraid she most likely did. She has told me so much about you in our letters. She certainly was right about your beauty and charm, I must say." I blushed. "Let’s go inside. There is tea waiting, and I cannot wait to hear more about you." Still holding my hand, he led me inside, where the other ladies were waiting. Lady Francesca glared at my hand in Easton's. I stifled a laugh.

Lady Francesca Harlow, 15 years of age and Ella's most annoying Lady. She is always nagging Ella to find her a husband. When Francesca heard about our trip to visit Lord Easton, she almost jumped at the idea of an eligible husband. The only problem is, French law states that a girl under the age of 16 is un-aligable for marriage, as she is still learning the ways of a wife and mother. The law also states she may be allowed in an arranged marriage, though the wedding must not be until she is over the age of 16. The French laws could be quite confusing.

"Riella, Easton, how wonderful of you for joining us. Ladies, this is Lord John Easton, of London. Easton, this is Lady Francesca Harlow and Lady Gretchen Spencer." Lord Easton gently let go of my hand to greet the other Ladies, and I took my seat on a two seat sofa. Lord Easton soon joined next to me and pours himself a cup of tea.

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