Chapter 7 ..:.. Ball

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I watched Triella help her maid to pack her things. It made me sad at the thought of her leaving.

Papa had never been to keen on arranged marriage's, but in this day and age, it is the social norm. And when the Spanish Queen offered Triella marriage to one of her Duke's, Papa couldn't refuse.

Considering it didn't help when the Queen did not let him refuse the offer.

"Please be careful with that. It creases easy. And careful with those shoes, they are velvet and rip easy- even at the slightest touch. Those are my third pair." She eyed the shoes as the maid placed them carefully into a box.

"Triella dear lets go for a walk in the gardens. The heavens have blessed us with a lovely day, and since you have been couped up in this castle all day, I say you need some fresh air."

"I can not Riella. I have to over see the packing of my things because I am to be married and move away from you and Peter and Papa-" She broke into a sob, tears rolling down her cheeks. The young maid looked startled, unsure of what to do. I turned to her.

"You are dismissed for the time being. You shall be summonded when you are needed again." The girl nodded her head, turning towards the door. I turned to Triella, who was a mess.

"Oh Triella, you knew there was a chance this could happen. And you know papa never wanted this for you. He wanted you to fall in love, to be happy. But the Queen is our Queen and she thought this would be good for you."

  She buried her head in my neck and sobbed. My arms tightened around my sister. “I don’t want this.” Her voice barely managed a whisper. “I don’t want this Riella.”


“So Riella, the ball held in the prince’s honour is tonight.  I assume Lord Easton will be accompanying you?” Francesca eyed me, jealously clear in her eyes. Ella’s ladies and I were currently sipping tea in Ella’s sitting room, talking about Prince Aaron’s ball tonight. At every mentioning of Aaron’s name, Ella glanced discreetly over at me.

“Yes of course. John is my soon to be husband and he has already asked me to accompany me.”

“He’s a lucky catch. Very young for such a successful lord. You got lucky Riella.” The Queen (who was also with us) smiled as she listened to us blabbing on about her sons ball, only inquiring to save us from Francesca rude comments. She was supposed to be organising her sons ball, making sure everything was perfect, not a single thing wrong. Though, Queen Rosane asked to organise this celebration as a thank you for our hospitality. Our queen was reluctant at first, but after much convincing, she decided to relax and let the English monarch’s lead this celebration.

“Ladies, I think it’s time we start to get ready for the ball.” Ella placed her tea cup down and jumped up excitedly. “The ball starts in almost an hour, so we must put on our gowns and sprits out necks with perfume. And soon the party will begin.” As one of Ella maid’s opened the doors we placed our china tea cup, Ella pointed to me and gestured me over.

“Yes Ella?”

“How are you feeling Riella? Considering the celebration of Aaron’s wedding is tonight and considering he was planning on making you his queen-.”

“Ella, I am engaged to be wedded soon. My husband to be will be escorting me to the ball. Aaron is but France’s soon to be king who is celebrating his wedding plans tonight with his subjects. I am just one of his loyal subjects celebrating France’s future happiness. As is my husband to be.”

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