Chapter 6 ..:.. Proposal

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*6 Weeks Later*


(Riella's Pov)

It has almost been six weeks since I met the impeccably handsome Lord John Easton. We would take long walks in the garden when the sun emerged from the clouds determined to hide it from us. During the evenings after supper, we would sit in the library for hours reading and talking about classics and strange and funny books.

Aaron had taken a dislike to Easton. He would always invite Easton to go on hunting trips, before backing out of the trip minutes before they were due to leave, claiming he wasn't feeling well. Lately, Easton would arrange his own hunting trips, or simply not go along.

"What are you thinking about Riella?" Easton asked from behind me. He smiled, offered me a cup of tea and sat across from me.

"I was thinking about the past six weeks really. Prince Aaron's wedding is to be soon, and the ball in their honour is at the end of this week. There have been so many feasts and parties I fear I have lost count." I took a sip of tea, enjoying the sweetness the honey provided. Easton chuckled.

"It seems the Queen may have gone a little bit overboard with the celebrations. Though, King Xavier is happy with it all, especially with all the attention it's putting on his family. The big question in London is who will be next to marry?"

"Hmm, these days all there seems to be is gossip and rumours. Most scandals are not true, and when they are, half of Paris would have already heard about it."

"Very true." He paused for a moment, placing his tea on the small table between us. "Come, let's walk Riella. The sun is out today, and the scenery matches your yellow dress perfectly." I took one last sip of my tea, placed it down beside Easton's and took his hand.

"It is a lovely day. May I suggest a picnic by the lake? I could ask the cook to pack us some sandwiches and lemonade. How about I meet you in the front gardens at twelve o'clock sharp?" It would give me enough time to fetch my hat and fan, and talk Jeanette out of gloves and a coat to protect my dress. I am eighteen years of age, not five.

"It's a plan." He kissed my hand, grinned at me, then turned and left the room. I smoothed my dress and self-consciously touched my hair, making sure there wasn't a hair out of place.

"You are acting as though you have done something inappropriate with Easton." Aaron strode into the room, like the arrogant prince he was, flicking his hands at the maids, who scurried out of the room. He spat Easton's name like it was poison on his tongue.

"Prince Aaron. What may I do for you today?" I gave a small curtsy.

"No one is here Riella. What is going on between you and Easton? I demand to know. I don't like him nor do I trust him."

"For the Lord's sake Aaron, he is the King's advisor! Being trustworthy is his job! And might I dare ask why you must poke you nose into my business. We are nothing. You had your chance, and now I must move on. I am a Lady, and I need to find a husband who will take care of me. I am of the age where I am ready for marriage. And what I am doing with my life is none of your damn business. I do not care if you are a prince. I don't care who you are. I am done with you." I hissed. He walked up to my angrily and grabbed my wrists. I struggled against his hold. "Let go of me Aaron or God help you I shall scream."

"My mother confessed something today. About you. She was going to marry us. We were to be married! Together. We were to have children, you were to be the Queen of France. You were to rule beside me forever." His expression was pained, though he hadn't released me.

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