Chapter 8 ..:.. Alone

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4 days later, 1 day before Aaron's wedding.

“Turn.” Marjorie the castle’s seamstress gestured me to turn around. It had been two hours and my dress for Aaron’s wedding was nowhere near finished. There were still many alterations to make.

After I had kissed Aaron at his engagement ball, I had run out of the room and for the past four days I had been avoiding him. I had kissed and engaged man after I had returned the ring of another. I had spent days in my room, head in hands trying to understand. What had I done to deserve such a complicated life?

To others, they must think my life was simple. I was one Princess Ellanor’s Lady’s, part of the French courts. I lived in the castle with my own chambers and had my hand maid and friend Jeanette wait on me. My Papa was one of the Duke’s here with my sister Triella and my brother Peter. My mother had died when I was young and just recently I had been engaged to Lord John Easton, adviser to the King of England. Little did they know, I had been in a secret relationship with Prince Aaron, oldest son of the Queen ever since I returned from Spain three years ago. It ended when he became arranged to marry King Xavier’s oldest girl Princess Anne of England. I broke off my engagement with John recently because he was a rude drunk and I had just told Aaron I still loved him.

Why was I kidding myself? I had just needed an excuse to break off my engagement with John. No matter what I did to try and mask my true feelings for Aaron it never worked. I was in love him and I also will be. Sadly his wedding is tomorrow and it is far too late for me and Aaron. Deep down we both knew it wouldn’t work out but we had always had hope.

When Aaron told me of his mother’s plan for us to marry before Princess Aaron came along, it took all that was in me not to break down into tears. I just missed him so much I couldn’t bear the thought of him being forced to love another when we could have been together, been given a little more time before the queen thought it was time for him to marry. 

“Ma’am your dress is finished. Now all we need to do is finish the embroidery and your dress will be ready for tomorrow.” I nodded, thanking Marjorie. I stepped down from the stool and away from the mirrors that showed me a tired reflection of myself. Considering I had cried myself to sleep almost every night since the ball, what did I expect?

My life is a mess.

As I was leaving the room, Triella caught up to me. “Riella, how are you?” Triella asked cautiously as if I’d break at any moment. I forced a smile. “I’m perfectly fine. How about you? Did you meet Fredrick yet?” Fredrick Pointer was the man Triella was engaged to marry.

“Yes I have and he is lovely. He is very handsome and seemed very kind. He said he was sorry I was being forced into this but he was lucky he was marrying such a beautiful girl. To be honest I’m guessing he was being nice because Peter came along with me but I really don’t mind.”

“He said he was sorry you were arranged to wed him and he called you beautiful? He’s very charming.” She giggled.

“Oh yes he is. And very handsome. He seems like a good man. Maybe it wouldn’t be so terrible if I ended up as his wife.”

“Well at least we know your children will be beautiful. And they will love their Aunt Riella.” I laughed at Triella who was giggling like a child.

As we made our way to the main steps of the castle we watched as the servants were rushing around madly trying to prepare for tomorrows wedding celebrations. Vases of white flowers were being carted around, colourful materials being presented to the two Queens in the middle of the room. At every colour they would shake their heads and the material would instantly be replaced by another. Queen Rosane looked bored and our Queen looked extremely mad. I would be angry if it as my son’s wedding and barely anything was going right.

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