Where Am I!?

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Sonic's POV

My head was foggy, I could hear sirens and was fading in and out of consciousness, I listened to the sound of the blaring sirens, then I think I went unconscious. Then footsteps that sounded as though someone was running, but it wasn't me. Then things faded out entirely for me.

Normal POV

Sonic was hit hard by the truck. Any nearby people saw what happened and called for help. Some assholes decided to just sit by and record everything. While actual good people ran over and checked on the poor hedgehog.

The blue blur was covered in blood. He had a few broken bones, but most noticeably, a descent sized area on his head that looked somewhat caved in. From a distance, sirens were blaring. Coming closer and closer until the ambulance and a few police officers arrived. The pincushion was placed on a stretcher carefully, once they confirmed he was somehow still alive, and rolled him into the ambulance. The officers were asking what happened to the people what happened.

The bleeding hedgehog was taken to the hospital, the ER to be specific, and immediately put into surgery.

About ten hours passed before the now fixed and bandaged hedgehog was placed into a recovery room. They hooked him up to monitors as well as an IV drip, then left to sleep off the anesthetic.


The sun was just barely over the horizon when the azure hedgie started to stir. It took a few minutes before he even dared open his eyes, and when he did... everything was still black. He bolted up, panicking, and the sudden rush after such an intense surgery caused him to have a headache, so he laid back down and wallowed in silence.

The poor thing was realizing that he could no longer run anymore, and that he'd have to get used to total darkness. He closed his eyes, thinking that there was no use to have them open if he couldn't even see. 'What will i do now? What CAN i do? Who will stop Eggman when he starts acting up again?' He thought. 'I wish my friends were here...' His ears pinned back against his head, quills raising in a defensive manner, afraid, even though he would never admit it.

He laid in bed for what seemed like days, even though it was only a few hours. Just then, he heard the door open as a doctor walked in. "Hey Doc?" The poor woman was startled half to death, she was expecting him to still be asleep.

"OH DEAR LORD!! She yelled.

"Sorry" The hero apologized.

"No no, i should have realized you were awake by looking at your heart monitor. Uhm, what is it you need?"

"What happened? I can't see ANYTHING"

"Well you were hit by a car, parts of your skull caved in and damaged the parts of your brain that allow you to see, so you are blind."

"I see... Do my friends know?"

"No, we haven't called them yet, would you like to?"

"I... I really don't know."

"That's alright, tell me when you want to call them and i will get you a phone, as well as dial the numbers"

The blue one nodded in agreement. Though he was still freaked out about the whole 'not being able to see' thing.

"One more thing Doc."


"Why is my leg so stiff?"

"Your leg was broken, so we had to put it in a cast. You also have two broken ribs, and a broken arm."

"Ah, i see." The azure one said in acknowledgement. "When will i be able to leave?"

"About a week, but you will need someone to be at home with you to make sure you don't hurt yourself, as well as to guide you around your house, and through the city if you go out." The Doctor answered honestly.

Sonic was understandably upset about this, and groaned in exasperation, but didn't complain. He lay there, contemplating everything she just said.

"One more thing, Mr. Hedgehog." The doctor said "You may end up in a habit of having a reversed sleep schedule, seeing as how you are unable to perceive light or dark, which is why you NEED someone to stay with you, and take care of you. We know how you operate, Mr. Hedgehog, so being stubborn about this is out of the question." She sounded stern, like a mother in a way.

The hedgie nodded once more.

"I'm pretty tired, can i be alone to rest?" Sonic asked.

"Yeah, sleep tight." She said before leaving the room. Sonic was now alone again, in a room filled with nothing but the beeping of the monitors. He sighed, closed his eyes, and eventually fell asleep.

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