Home Again.

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It had been a few weeks, or maybe a month since the accident. Sonic was finally going home. He had told the rest of his friends of his predicament only a week after he had woken up, all except two, Shadow and Amy. Shadow wasn't told in order to keep at least some dignity, and Amy wasn't so she wouldn't bug him every second of every hour of every day.

The blind hedgie was in Knuckles' car, being driven home by said echidna after being discharged from the hospital on that day. Sonic was wearing shades in order to cover his eyes, all while keeping them closed since there's no need to keep them open much anymore.

"So, uhhh... How are you gonna deal with living alone like this?" Knuckles asked 

"Dunno, i might have to get someone to take care of me."

"Like Amy?"


"Haha. Aight, then who?"

"I'll probably have to call some agency."

"How will you do that if you can't see?"

"Uhmmmm, could you do it for me?"

"Yeah, sure." The echidna chuckled a bit, though he felt sorry for the blue one.

Knuckles put on some music, but kept it on low in case blindie mc. blinderson decided to ask some questions. The drive lasted about five more minutes before they pulledinto the driveway. Knuckles got out and helped Sonic inside of the house.

It was a cozy home, like a cottage or a log cabin. In the living-room there were light blue walls, soft carpeting and nice furniture, all topped off with a wood fireplace. It's like it was made for Sonic. A few times in the past Sonic found himself falling asleep on the floor next to the fireplace since it was just that soft. Right next to the living-room was the dining-room, which kept the light blue walls and carpet. It had a nice large mahogany table with matching cushioned chairs. Attached to that room was the kitchen, descent in size with all the necessities. A gas stove, two ovens, a dishwasher, large fridge and lots of cabinets.

Upstairs was the bedrooms, one master bed and one guest bed. Sonic's room was fairly classy, a nice large king sized bed with beautiful blue silk covers. Light blue curtains hang on the window right next to the bed.

As the blue hedgehog was guided into his house he decided he wanted to take a seat. "Couch please" Sonic requested, and Knuckles swiftly led the blind one to the couch and helped the hedgie to sit down.

"You wanna call that agency now?" Asked the echidna.

"Yeah, could you search up some numbers for me, and maybe check any ratings they have gotten?"

"Yeah, I was gonna look at reviews anyway. I don't think anyone would like to have some random shitty person come and fuck up my home either." Knuckles chuckled softly.

"This isn't funny, i don't want someone i don't know coming and pretty much living with me if i can't see what they're doing to my house."

"Alright, alright, i'm sorry."

Sonic felt a weight sit next to him on the couch, then a long awkward silence as the knuckle head searched up a few sites. 

A few hours later and they had made arrangements with a nice company. For the time being however, Knuckles was going to stay the night, just in case.

(Hey... WOAH! This took a lot of effort. lots a' words in 'ere. Jesus take the wheel. ANYHOO! Next chapter is the one that you've been waiting for. Not gonna spoil tho. You know what's gonna happen even if i don't, so, yeh. Until next chapter.)

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