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The blind blue boy smiled like no tomorrow. He was happy to be in the company of his best friend, even if he couldn't see said fox boy.

"So, uhm, why aren't you looking at me?" The yellow fox asked, unnerved by the strange behavior.

"Oh, uhm, that's kinda one of the reasons i wanted to talk to you."

"Okay, and why is that?"

"Well, i can't exactly see you"


"Yeah, i'm blind, and i have no idea where you are."

"YOU WHAT?!" The yellow yelled in both surprise and slight anger that this wasn't mentioned in the call.

"Calm down."

"No, you're blind! How could i POSSIBLY be CALM!?"

"At least lower your voice."

"Alright, alright. Can you see ANYTHING? Like, can you distinguish light and dark?"

"Nope, everything is entirely black."

"Well that's gotta suck."

"I know."

"Are you gonna get a guide dog? Orrr..."

"I dunno man."

"Well, do you want me to stay here, or should i leave?"

"Stay a few more minutes."

"Okay." Said tails as he then sat down in one of the chairs for visitors. They chatted for a while before the young fox left.

(hey guys, i dunno if i should keep writing or not, and please tell me your critiques and opinions in the comments. They're always welcome here.)

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