One Explanation Later.

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(Warning: there will be some smut in this chapter.)

(Shadow's Pov.)

This is confusing, i'm sitting on the couch trying to listen to what happened, but it's kinda hard when he won't, er, CAN'T look me in the eyes.

"And that's what happened." Sonic finished his story.

"So, to recap, you were hit by a truck and it messed up some of your brain, and made you blind." I tried to get the short version.

"Yes." The blue one answered back.

"Okay. Since that's cleared up, I will be staying here and keeping watch over you. I'll buy your food and cook, yadda yadda yadda, i'm just here to make sure you don't set the house on fire and die." I explain.

"And I'M going to go home now." Knuckles said as he got up, and left.

Silence swept the house, it was uncomfortable on both our parts. I decided to get up and do something to get my mind off this awful soundless aura.

"I'll make you some breakfast, what do you want?" I asked.

"Eggs, scrambled."

"On it." I quickly got to work. It was just a simple plate of eggs, yet sonic scarfed it down like it was his last meal. This was slightly jarring to me, was sonic not eating? Had he not been getting enough food? Most people in the blue one's friend group knows that he eats a LOT due to how much he exerts himself. Not to mention his high metabolism.

"Have you been eating enough lately?" I questioned.

"Well... uhm, yes?"

"Don't lie to me."

"Okay, okay. No, the hospital wasn't giving me my normal portions. It was maybe half what i usually eat for one sitting."

"Makes sense, you eat double the average."

"Yeh." Sonic finished the exchange.

Aaaaaand silence. I looked down at the floor to ponder 'FUCK! What am i supposed to do now?' I thought to myself. When I looked back up from my thoughts i realized that Sonic had fallen asleep already. So i decided to do some cleaning in order to make it easier for my counterpart to make his way around the house. I picked up any clothes that was left on the floor, did laundry, swept and mopped the kitchen as well as the bathroom floors. I went upstairs and made Sonic's bed, fluffed pillows, put away any laundry that was on the bed into the right drawers after i had memorized the way those were set up.

I may never admit it, but it was hard to do all this since i had no help from the one who knew the layout of his home. Tho, i guess he wouldn't be any help anyway since he can't see where he is.

I looked to my left, a shelf of pictures stood next to me. Pictures from all the adventures and parties that he's been a part of, and even a few that seem to have been gifts to him. One of them was a picture taken of Sonic and I. I blushed slightly. "Shit, he looks kinda cute" I mumbled to myself.

I've always had a small crush on him. Always. Tho i know he would never accept my affection, so I've decided to keep it hidden. I must never let him know. . . DAMN IT, I'M HAVING AN OVER DRAMATIC MOMENT AGAIN! FUCK!

(I feel like i need to do a jump in time, so i will. . . also smut starts here BOI)

(normal pov)

About two weeks had passed since Shadow moved into the house and things were going pretty smooth. Sonic was figuring out how to get around the house and Shadow would go out to get whatever Sonic needed at a moments notice.

At the moment Shadow was out getting groceries, and since Sonic had some alone time he decided that a good way to pass the time was to simply pleasure himself. Due to the amount of time it's been since he's had a chance to he was seriously pent up. He let off a deep groan as his hand wandered all the way down his shaft. Bringing his paw right back up to mess with the head before going back to a quick pace. Since one hand was free he placed it in his mouth to get it slick, and bringing it down towards his tail hole before plunging it in as deep as possible.

The blur gave off a small moan as he nudged his finger against his love button. "Oh God~ Sh-Shadow~!" His imagination was going nuts, he couldn't help but think of his crush fucking him like a wild animal.

Unbeknownst to him, Shadow had made it home while this was all going down. Bringing the bags of food and supplies in just to hear what he thought was a yell of pain. The dark one placed the bags down and quickly ran upstairs. The door to Sonic's room was open and when he looked in he saw it. Sonic was moaning his name and touching himself, in turn making Shadow hard at the sight. The blur had no idea he was caught in the act so he kept going.

Sonic was REALLY getting into it now. He kept yelling out the striped one's name as his toes curled and his back arched. Said striped one just had to try and silently go back downstairs and finish getting the bags of groceries and putting everything away, all while the sounds of Sonic rang throughout the house.

'Damn it Sonic, you're making it really hard to focus' Shadow thought to himself as he resisted the urge to either touch himself, or fuck the living hell out of his employer. And DAMN it was hard to keep himself under control. Yet despite all his effort he ended up on his knees on the kitchen floor stroking his member with his hand over his mouth to keep himself quiet.

Every time Sonic moaned Shadow would speed up his pace a decent amount. He was close, they were both close. Once Sonic gave off a last loud moan as he came, Shadow couldn't take it anymore as he ejaculated into his hand. Both hedgies were panting and recovering from the exertion for a few minutes. Sonic simply fell asleep while Shadow got up and wiped himself clean.

'Holy shit, that was insane. I can't believe i did that.' Shadow thought to himself as he rinsed his hands off in the kitchen sink. He knew things were going to get a LOT more complicated from here on out.

(AYYYY! Sorry this took so long, i honestly didn't think this was going to get half the attention it's getting. Anyway, here it is! And here's the smut! Yaaay!)

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