Overwhelming Instinct

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(Shadow's POV)

As I sat outside and worked on the garden I ended up feeling quite light headed. It seems like mating season is only a day away based on the fog that's clouding my mind. This damn season is going to be absolute hell if i want to keep my hands off Sonic. I mean, i don't really WANT to keep my hands off of him, but i NEED to, weather i like it or not.

'Maybe i should stay at my place during the nights for the oncoming season? No, if something happened to Sonic i'd be fired for sure. As much as i hate putting myself in the situation where my instincts may get the better of me it's better than him falling down the stairs and dying overnight because i wasn't there to help him.' I thought to myself 

'I mean, i did see him... releasing tension while calling my name a while ago, does that mean he has a crush on me? Wait... Why am i just asking this NOW? It's been MONTHS since that happened and i'm so thick headed that i never even tried to decipher what that means?! I mean, i KNEW things wouldn't be the same, but i dunno in what way i meant that! SHIT!'

. . .

'What if he WANTS me to pin him down and screw him? How would i even know that if it was the case?! SHOULD I GO UP THERE AND FIND OUT N-... No... I need to calm down before i get too carried away. I can already feel myself getting aroused, i should focus on something else now.'

With that i decided it was best to go and start sweeping the back porch before i try something stupid.

(Sonic's POV)

I was starting to have a difficult time keeping my focus off of anything sexual. All i could think about was Shadow and all his fluff. 

'Like DAMN that man is fluffy AND muscular. But he kinda has a feminine flare to his appearance... I think... I don't really remember.'

(AAAAAND i'm cutting it here, i am exhausted and stressed. Sorry my uploads are few and far between. I don't really have this site at the front of my mind much. I'll update when i have the chance. Or if i survive. Uh. I guess i should mention that later this month i'm going in for sergery to get some root canals done because "Blah blah blah, traumatic experience. blah blah blah, irrational fear. blah blah blah. last resort doctor and general anestesia for eight hours." and that comes with risks)

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