Chapter 2: The First Fight

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As my servants Archer, Rider, Berserker, Assassin and Lancer make themselves comfortable at there sits in which was made of wood and was carved to its finest. "Now then as your master I ask of you this, what is your wish or desire"I ask them.

The first to say there wish was archer. " I only is for you to concur this war Master and I want to know this Era more" She told me while posing. I forgot that she always poses when she was alive. "Well I do believe I can fulfill your wish Archer" I said to her with a smile. "My your very confidant, very well then" She said with a smile in her face and then she pose. "I the Demon Lord of the Sixth Heaven shall acknowledge you" She said and I feel that all of my servants sweatdropped well except Berserker, Lancer and Assassin. I chuckle at that and I pat her head making her flinch and blush a bit at that.

Next was Assassin. "Assassin I already know what you desire. Its war so you can have that but you need my permission" I told the man in demonic armor who's face is covered my a shroud. "Very well then Master" He says with a ghostly like voice.

Next was Berserker. "Berserker I know you want to fight him but his heir is participating this war I hope he will suffice your desire" He didn't say anything but nodded his head.

Next was Rider. "Rider what do you whish for?" I ask the man in a bikers suit. With a smile Rider said what he wants. "I want to serve you, to fall in love and heep of golds" he said while grinning. Again like Archer's statement all of the Servants sweatdropped except of course Assassin, Lancer and Berserker. With a chuckle I told him that he could get all of those and boy was he so happy. 

Next was Lancer. I already know who she is so it might be a problem if she wants that wish. "I only wish is to be love" for some odd reasons she was panting when she was talking and her words were like that of well yandere. This made some of my servants shiver at her words so I just said that after the war she can have what she want and she thank me for that.

I then heard a chirp so I look up and saw my little white bird familiar who then fly towards me and perch on my shoulder. It inch closer to my ear a chirp again and my eyes narrowed deep into the forest. My servants followed suite and they felt it. So put on a ring into my finger and face it on my driver.

"Sight Now"

It announced as my vision heightens ten fold giving me a clear view of a road and a blonde hair young woman. I was confuse at first but when she turn her back I saw a Command Seal. To my observation I can deduct that she is Servant Ruler.

Canceling my magic I begin to told my Servants of what I saw. "So Rulers here meaning that a fight is going to happen, cant wait to fight" Avenger said as he resume what he was doing a moment ago, poking the fire. "Sorry Avenger but your not that fit for the job" I told him as he slump and shouted "No Fair!".

Now then we shall I pick, I think two or three should suffice. Saber she should be able to since she is loyal to me and also she can be quite stealthy. Archer her stealth are decent and if a fight happens she can take care of herself. Assassin well I am picking him for this so yeah. I think that's all, my three servants will do nicely as for the others. Caster will be busy at her workshop, Rider is too loud, Avenger will be stuck here protecting and helping Caster, Lancer like Rider is too loud especially if she saw him, Berserker I have a job for him to do.

" Saber, Archer and Assassin I pick you three to survey the fight and do not show yourself to them, do not attack only attack them when it is necessary" I ordered them and they bow and left. When they left I look towards Berserker. "I have a job for you" I told him.


The three servants have arrive at there destination and hide in the forest and wait for whats going to happen. As they watch they have seen Ruler getting attack by Lancer of Red but she was save by Saber of Black and his cubby master. Saber's Master was telling Ruler to come with him to there base so that they can protect them but Ruler decline and told him that the first fight of the Holy Grail War has began and the two clash.

Assassin of White have notice that Ruler was looking at there direction and thanks to his skill he senses danger. "It seem that we've been spotted" Assassin said as he jumps down on the tree that he was standing and the other two servant followed suit. "What do you mean by that Assassin?" Archer ask him. Then Saber also senses it and looks toward where Ruler was and with the use of the ring that was given to her by her master.

"Sight Now!"

She saw Ruler with what seems to be a circle of water with red dots. Then she came to a realisation. Assassin was right they were spotted. " His right we've been spotted by Ruler herself" Saber said to her fellow servant.

"I shall distract her so that the two of you can hide" Assassin said as he draws his sword. "I shall also take her HEAD if must" He said coldly that made the other two Servants chills on there spines.

The two were about to complain but the Assassin had already left and then they heard the sounds of clashing weapons. Hearing that the two quickly went up the trees again and saw that Assassin was clashing his sword against Rulers Spear no Flag. Regardless of being an Assassin he showed amazing fit of strength as he swing his sword at Ruler. Ruler on the other hand was having a hard time blocking Assassin of Whites strikes.

She was said that another faction had risen and it was called the White Faction. They told her that this Faction wasn't meant to be here in the first place.

With a strong push Assassin sent Ruler crashing out of the forest and into the road and with her luck she was able to survive all of Assassin of Whites attack. Assassin of White however was actually wasn't using his powers to the fullest as he feels that it wasn't needed. He then walk out of the forest through the trail of broken trees.

"Assassin of white why are you here?" Ruler ask the man in shadows as he calmly walk out and stop a few feet. He look at Ruler who mysteriously had shivers crawling down on her for she felt that death was now standing in front of her. "I am here to Observe nothing else Ruler of the Holy Grail War" Assassin said to her as he implanted his sword into the ground in front of him.

Seeing the new threat Saber of Blacks master was sweating bullets he as well felt that the Servant in front of him was that of death but the two Servants who was fighting just a moment ago wasn't affect by this but the two of the were intimidated that this mere Assassin was strong. The two Servant had change there target to this man of shadows as there new opponent and was about to attack him when.

"Assassin that is enough" a voice of a man had ordered which gained the attention of Ruler. She look everywhere to find where the voice had come from and then she saw just beside Assassin of white was a man no a mage clad in white.

The man had wore a white cloak that had gold linings on the side, a orange jewel like helmet on his head and what caught Rulers attention was the ring that he was wearing. The ring itself as well the belt that the man wore on his chest surge with Heep's of mana.

"As you wish Master" Assassin bowed down. "It is alright Assassin come let us go now you, Saber and Archer have done enough and I do hope you can tells us about" the man then look at the two Servants, and Ruler. "Them" he then took something from his left side and it was another which he put on and face his hand on the strange buckle both the ring and buckle glowed.

"Connect Now!" a magic circle appeared out of nowhere. It was just the  height of a tall human. "Let us go now, you two as well" The said and out of the forest two more Servants come out of there hiding and bow down to there master. "Yes Master" Both said as they followed there master into the circle but was stop by Ruler who wanted to know who the man was what is his name.

"Wait who are you?" She ask the mysterious man who just narrowed his head at her. "Call me Wiseman" then he and his three Servants head through the magic circle and disappear.  


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