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Zaire POV

I get out the car and stretch as we walk to the door. Before Bey opens the door she turns to me.

"Please don't say anything to Solange about why we're here"


"Because, I wan't to tell her"

"But -" She raises her eyebrow and I know when to stop

"Nevermind my lips are sealed for the forceable future."

Bey unlocks the door and takes of her shoes in the doorway, don't you hate when people take ages to take of their shoes and leave you outside! Move in and make space. When she eventually takes of her shoes she shouts

"Momma where you at" 

Erm 'Yonce, why you shouting?

"Girl, stop shouting in my house, and follow my voice" my Nana shouts back

"What game is this? Stevie Wonder?" Shawn laughs to himself

We "follow her voice" all the way to the kitchen and my nose is alerted to the smell of cookies and peach cobbler. We thank you God, I've had to live for month without her food its time to break that fast. 

I see a cookie waiting for me and I stretch my hand for it, but some how my hand does not make it to the cookie but it feels hot and stings. I'm snapped out of my thoughts

"Child, if you put your hands on those cookies without even saying hi to me, I'm gonna rip them straight off"

Yes, she did just hit me with a hot spatula. If this scars i'm telling Oprah.

"sorry nana I love you, you are an ageless beauty, I love your eyes,-" I tell her as I hug her

"Okay, I love you, you can have cookies, I've got cobbler and lemonade too" Yaas! Won't he do it. then I feel another hug. Shawn has hugged her from the other side

"Mamma T, I love you more. You always know what I need, and right now I need your cobbler and lemonade" He lets her go and kisses her cheek, she just shakes her head and takes of her apron.

"How do you cope Bey?" She asks

"Oh know you know me, when they arrive I'm just somebody you used to know" She rolls her eyes playfully as she looks up from her phone

"Girl hush! Now do you want this red velvet cake or not" No really! has she opened a bakery!

"I love you mamma" Bey hugs nana and sticks her tongue out at me, .....suck up

I'm just about to serve my self a big slice of cobbler when nana says

"You can take your food upstairs if you want, Solange is up there" Actually I'd like to enjoy this food in peace, looking at Solange gives me heartburn. Nana is oblivious to the fact that we do not get along, and its not even my fault. Solange just doesn't like me. Before I can even answer Bey pipes up and says

"No she can't she can have two cookies and a lemonade"

What! Now I know I'm going deaf. I know I'm grounded being held captive or whatever but she cannot starve me. That is ridiculous! How is she going to limit my food intake, what sort of North Korean torture is this crap. After she befriended me on the plane and now she want's to take it all back and go back to mean Beyonce! I can feel my self getting angry, you can have my phone but you can't take away my cobbler!

"What no cobbler this is some -"

Before I can even finish the sentence she jumps up

"Zaire test me again today and you will drink government water and be happy! Do you want that?"

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