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A/N I know it's been a loooooong time! Thanks for sticking with me, it means more than you know. 


Zaire POV

"Excuse you! Can I help you sir" I laugh

"Why the fuck would you leave me? Who does that!" 

She whispers while looking around, what is wrong with her?!

"What was I supposed to do? I waited for you but you didn't wanna leave on time so I left. I'm not getting in trouble for you"

"So you just left!" She looks at me in disbelief, maybe I'm not speaking english. 

"I came to get you, but you were with Jalen, which strikes me as odd as you were all up under Amir at lunch" 

"Look! What I do has nothing to do with you, you're just wanted to come and run home to your fake mommy and daddy"

"Shut up Solange, always playing the same damn record, come with a fresh insult. I'm getting tired of yours!" I start to walk away but she jumps in front of me. This is new..

"You left me! Who does that? You knew I didn't have a car! Now you're gonna look like the fucking golden child and I'm gonna get into more trouble!"

"Okay, if that was me, you wouldn't have waited you would have drove your ass home, laughing all the way, now excuse me"

"Understand, that if you leave me again I will fuck you up" I spin around because I know she's not threatening me.

"Please stop speaking, we all know that I could flip you over that counter easily, go upstairs and read a damn book or something"

"Flip me over a counter? I wish you would, you fugly, monkey ass bitch looking lesbian" 

Breathe Zy, just walk away...

"Yeah walk away, nobody wants you Orphan Annie!"

Nope thats its, I'm done!

 I rush her and she flies across the island, and falls on her back on the floor. Before she can think about getting up, my hands are around her neck squeezing as tight as possible.

"Say something else,  dumb ass, Say something!" I scream at her, the next thing I know somebody is pulling me off and i'm across the kitchen, I don't know how I got there but I'm not done. I run towards her and Bey stands in front of me, before I realise what I'm doing I shove her out of the way. 

Oh. Shit. 

She looks at me, drags me by my collar and pushes me into the refrigerator door.

"Push me again, and I'll push you into your grave, understand that"

I just nod, i'm too scared to speak.

"Bey, kick her out, she just strangled me!"

"And i'd do it again!" I say trying to get to her. Bey just pushes me into a chair.

"Well what happened!" Bey asks looking at Solange.

"Nothing! I just told her the truth! Nobody wants her here! You are not her parents and Orphan Annie needs to go"

"I said stop saying that" I swear I'm going to kill her, the end! I get up but this time Shawn holds me back.

"Zaire! Are you an Orphan?" He's all in my face, I know he's angry


"Then why, you letting her get to you! It's just stupid fucking words"

"Hold up why you on her side for! You just had to pull her off me, have you seen my neck?" Solange gets up and shows Shawn

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