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I'm walking past Zy's  room and I have to take a double take because I know my eyes must be deceiving me...

I see her and Solange sitting next to each other doing some sort of homework...together.... 

Let me leave before I wake up from whatever dream this is. I run into my bedroom and jump onto my bed, I may as-well enjoy my wife before this dream is over.

"I think celebratory sex is in order, the girls are sitting doing homework together and nobody is bleeding " I say while kissing on her neck

She looks at me then rolls over and screams into her pillow. 

Damn, I know I'm good but I didn't know I had it like that. I do believe this dream is over. I roll her over and look at her. Lately this bed has turned into a therapy couch.

"What's up, tell me" I hold her while playing with her hair. She sighs and starts telling me what I did not want to hear.

"She. Was. Alone. She was in that big ass house all alone! We left her. I let her stay there"

"But when was this?"

"When we gave Claudia time off to help her with her science project and settle back into school"

"So she lied...." 

"Yes Shawn! She told us she was with her and fucked off somewhere and left her unattended in house for 3 weeks. Zy didn't tell us because she thought she was being "independent", a grown up. Her mom has fucked up her mind so much that she thought being abandoned was normal."

She finishes her rant and sips the brown liquor at the side of her bed. 

Now I know its bad

"Why didn't she tell us! I don't get it. I would have flown her out or let her stay with your mama. Hell I would have flown my mama out to stay with her. I just don't fucking get it. Every time we phoned she didn't say shit! How many times has this happened in the past 10 years?! It must be regular for her to think this shit is the norm"

Bey laughs and shakes her head, how much has she had to drink?

"The best part is, she doesn't even blame us. She think's that it's not our responsibility to care for her. That we're doing her a favour and she should be grateful, but forget that. What pisses me off the most is that she'd call wanting to speak to us and Claudia would say we're to busy to talk to her, now what type of fucked up shit is that"

I look at her, and I'll probably regret this later but it has to be said.

"I told you so! I'm sorry I told you that Claudia wasn't, ain't and will never be shit. Bey she needs to go. End of Story, we've put up with enough shit the past few years but lately she's been smelling her self and thinking she owns us or whatever."

She gets off the bed and begins to walk out before I call her back

"Keep your voice down! Okay lets fire her! Okay lets do that, and she takes Zaire, what the hell do you think we can do then!.... Exactly Shawn"

"I don't care. The only language she speaks is the dollar and pound sterling, for the right amount she'd shut up and put up"

She shakes her head at me before pointing.

"Exactly, I'm gonna ignore your suggestion to purchase a child, but let me put this out there. Everybody in the industry knows that she works closely with us and in their eyes we have some fucked up sister wife arrangement. The moment we fire her, if she doesn't sue our assess from here to Timbuktu, she'll go straight to the highest biding agency and spill all of our business. When I say our business I mean yours, and your indiscretions"

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