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As I enter my bedroom, I find Shawn laughing to himself.

"Sir, are you okay?"

"Yeah, i'm good, Carl just sent Zaires accounts over and Claudia has been transferring 10 thousand black yAmerican dollars a month for maintenance"

Now it was my turn to laugh, this bitch has been transferring 10k per month from her daughter for maintenance? Maintenance of who? Maintenance of what?

Now it was my turn to laugh, this bitch has been transferring 10k per month from her daughter for maintenance? Maintenance of who? Maintenance of what?

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A while later I decide to call Claudia, I'm ready to get this sorted once and for all. We chit chat for a few minutes before I get to the point.

"We saw the plans for your new closet today it looks good, but I don't understand why you're putting Zaire in the smallest room?"

"Bey, she is never there, it would be a waste of a room. All she's gonna do is sleep in there, she has the rest of house to roam around"

"Okay, it's your house I can't tell you what to do I just think it's odd thats all. But, one thing has been bothering me...... why isn't she with you? Frank said you've been on site almost everyday for 3 weeks but you haven't seen Zy once. Last time I called, you were in Monte Carlo. I just don't get it, I -"

"Well I've been busy.."

"Too busy to see your own child? Hell even call her!"

"Look Beyoncé! If you don't wanna keep her then thats fine, you are free to send her back to her father. I will call him -"

Who the hell is she yelling at?

"Okay heres a thought, how about you keep her? Why would I send her back to England like parcel when she's in school and settled here. Oh and for the record I will never be to busy for Zaire"

"I'm too busy, I work which you know. Would it be fair on her to be home alone all day?"

"Okay I understand that you work for me, you are a great employee - I can't take that away from you. But I'm not actively doing anything at the moment and I haven't been for a few months. So I don't know what you are so busy with? Please enlighten me"

The line gets silent and she sighs.

"I still have a life Bey, it's hard being a single mother...... You don't see the other side to her. You get the happy, clappy Zaire, but I get the miserable teenager"

"You still haven't answered my question but, If you think its sunshine and rainbows round here all the time, then you are extremely mistaken. You would know that if you visited more often or even called. You know what - when are you back in LA"

"In 2 days"

"Great, as soon as you are back, come over"

"Well, if I have time"

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