Chapter 4 - Hey Cody

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"Maddie, wake up." I heard Hayes whisper in my ear. I opened my eyes to see his beautiful blue eyes staring into mine. "Hahaha thanks for waking me up at 6:00 in the morning, you butthole!" I jokingly said while throwing a pillow at him. He laughed and we raced down the stairs.

"Did y'all have fun, lovebirds?" Nash asked when we reached the bottom of the stairs. "NASHHHHHH!" Hayes yelled obviously irritated.

"Hayes, I need to go back to my house and get ready. My family is coming over to your house for dinner tonight so I will see you then." I told him. "K babe see you later!" He yelled as I walked out the door.

As I was walking back to my house I tripped on my shoelace and somebody caught me. I looked up and realized it was my ex, Cody. "MADDIE!! I haven't seen you in forever! What's up?!" He said while pulling me in a hug. I giggled and said "Nothing Much. You?"

You see, me and Cody broke up, but it isn't awkward. We decided to stay friends because we realized we liked being best friends better.

"I've just been bored since we got out of school to be honest." he sighed "So have you been talking to Hayes lately?" he asked me, smirking. He knew that I have had a crush on Hayes for a long time, even while we were dating. which is kind of another reason we broke up. "Yeah, I'm just coming back from his house actually but thanks for catching me" I laughed "Oh?" he said wiggling his eyebrows. I punched him lightly in the shoulder. "Laterr losaaaa!!" I yelled "Adios Señorita Maddie!!" He yelled back.

I started to walk back to my house and when I got back, nobody was home. "Wierd..." I thought as I was walking through my house. I found a note on the fridge.


We are gonna be gone for a week on a trip. We had to leave this morning and will be back next Saturday. You are gonna be staying with the Griers. Call us when you find this! Love you! xoxo

- Mom and Dad

I grabbed my phone and called my mom. I rang 2 times before she picked it up.

"Maddie! Is this you?"

"No, it's the pizza delivery guy. Yes, Who else would it be?"

"Haha very funny, Maddie. Okay so here's what's up. This morning, Dad got a call saying he had to fly to Cali ASAP for an important meeting so we had to fly here. You are gonna stay with the griers for the week. Just no sleeping in the same bed with Hayes. Okay honey? Love you!"

"Love you too, Mommmmmmyyy!!" I said before ending the call.

I started to pack my bag. I packed a bunch of crop tops and shorts and my white vans and headed over to their house again.

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