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| F O R E W A R D |

Hi. This a story that's been swimming in my head for weeks. For those that don't know, this is a combined book between me and my other great friend. As you may know, this is also a book on a combined account, so it would be amazing if you could go and click that follow button on this account and our own separate ones for future updates and info.

Now, apart from that, welcome. In my head, this story has been brewing for about a month. And for some undeniable reason, I have to write it down. We have to write it down. We need to scream out Elias' story. Grey's. Lachlan's. Farah's. Lennon's. These are stories that need to be outspoken because they've been encaged in my mind for too long. 

Notice that these characters are messed up and not perfect.  That's because nobody is. Whether your nose is crooked, or you have a mole on your right cheek. Whether you're bipolar or have anxiety, nobody is perfect. We all have our flaws, and we have to accept them to live the best possible life. So, yes. This book will be a journey of teenagers accepting themselves. It may be a murder/thriller book, but it is not. It is so much more.

So, please enjoy. Sit back and relax, or not. Go ahead and rip out your hair if you want to. Welcome to All Faults.


 | W A R N I N G |

->There will be diversity in this book. If you are somehow very whitewashed and hate diversity in the races, we recommend you to click out of this book.

->This book is written in third person. That is in order to differentiate between characters in an easier way, and it just flows better with the plot and characters.

->This story can become deep. If you cannot deal with some of the things talked about and things endured by the characters in this book, then you might as well click exit. We don't want anyone to become triggered because of reading this. 

->Characters may suffer from depression, anxiety, and other forms of mental illnesses that might trigger others.


->Alcohol use, drug use, gangs. (Just because we write about these things does not mean you should do it or do not mean we agree with it!)

-> The writing in this book will be a bit poetic and magical. I, Iliana, personally want to explore this writing style because of its lethal and melodious beauty.


| E P I G R A P H|

"everyone could be at fault."  


"staring at the ceiling in the dark. same old empty feeling in your heart."

-Passenger, Let Her Go. 


   | S U M M A R Y |

When the body of eighteen-year-old Isobel Riley is found mutilated in Willowside's most famous creek, authorities believe there is no backstory and label it suicide. But when Elias Garcia's younger sister, Grey, awakes from a coma that was caused around the same time Isobel's 'suicide' was committed, she is faulted. Determined to solve the mystery, Elias rounds up three incompatible teenagers, along with his sister, to solve the convicted mystery. 

But sooner or later, they might find out that not everyone is innocent and not only one person may be at fault.


| D E D I C A T I O N |

This book is dedicated to the people who have been blamed for doing something they have not. And it is dedicated to the people who have done something. 

This book is dedicated to the people who hope for better futures. To the people who are at fault. To those who believe they have no hope left. To those who believe they're perfect. To those who already believe they're not perfect.

In other words, this book is dedicated to everyone. All races, genders, sexualities, religions. We people can not single each other out. We are all equal, and we cannot change it. But that is for the better. 





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