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So, just as the wind grew colder and faster, Elias Garcia began to take a few steps backwards. "Hey!" The men exclaimed. But he had already disappeared into the night.

All that was left was the sound of two gunshots going off, and the dramatic drop of three bodies, smearing the sidewalk with blood.


To be the Elias Garcia, you have had to deal with smugglers. Actually, to be him, you've had to be a smuggler. And that is exactly what Elias is. Well, more of a drug dealer as well as a smuggler.

He was the local smuggler, grown up with his late mother and almost late sister.

As he entered the hospital, the people around him parted, afraid of getting hurt. But this was a hospital and if you got hurt, you would be fixed immediately.

Fixed in what way? Mentally? Or physically? That's the question.

Clad in his suspicious black hoodie and black converse, he entered his sister's room, inhaling a deep breath once he saw her pale figure laying on the hospital bed.

Yet someone else was sitting by the chair next to her, and Elias grunted, annoyed. Lachlan Porter, Gabriela's, or Grey's, best friend, was sitting in the uncomfortable chair, dozing off. His messy blonde hair would rustle every time he moved and loud snores echoed in the dull white room.

What did surprise Elias was the small smile amongst his sister's pallid face. He'd only seen that expression only another time in the past month of her being in a coma, and that was when he first took hold of her hand.

Lachlan must have been talking to her, then. But about what?

With the clearing of his throat, Lachlan snorted, a signal that he was awake.

"What?" He muttered, annoyed that someone woke him up. But Elias only faced him with a blank face, and Lachlan jumped and straightened up in the chair.

"Oh, Elias. How've you been?" He asked, his blue eyes shining with tiredness and humour. Elias shrugged, too tired to start talking. Lachlan sighed and stood up from his spot, offering it to him.

"Here. She hasn't showed any signs of life, apart from the heart monitor. But the doctor says have fai-"

He cut him off, glaring at the boy. "To have faith, I know. Now could you just shut up and leave so I can have some time with my sister?" 

Instead of a smart-ass comeback, Lachlan flinched. But the fire quickly returned in his ocean-blue eyes. "I get it, you're depressed because of your sister's 'condition'," He raged. "But you don't need to kill every trace of hope in your way. We used to be great friends. We're both shaken up. I get it. That doesn't mean you should hate me or anyone else, except the men that did this to her."

A moment of silence engulfed them, and Lachlan finally exited the room with a frown. 




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