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"Are you afraid?" The officer did not answer. Elias took a step closer, the circle shrinking.

"Are you scared of me?" Silence answered.

"Answer me," Elias whispered timidly. His eyes widened as if he was hallucinating.

"Answer me!" He exclaimed, and the officer jumped. His gun dropped to the ground.

"Are you afraid of the damage I will cause?" Elias exclaimed and questioned. The only answer from the officer was a small, frantic, and squared nod.

A gunshot echoed from Elias' gun, and another dead body dropped to the ground. Only the squawking of the guard was heard in the dark, silent night. 

Elias smiled at the body of the once living man, pooled in blood on the cold concrete floor. And as if he suddenly snapped into somewhat of a trance, he crouched on the ground and stared at the blood.

Red. Red was all he saw. Red tinted his pale hands, his shirt, his face, and his soul. He would be tainted by the blood that stained his heart. And the one thing that kept him from it all was gone. So, with the blink of his eyes, he whispered meekly, "Grey," and sought out to find her.

Chapter 2: Lachlan's POV

It was the bang of a teacher slapping his arm on his desk when Lachlan woke up.

"Mr. Porter," The teacher scolded. "Does my class disinterest you so much that you had to fall asleep during the period?"

He groggily raised his head, his blonde mop of curls messy, and stared at the teacher sleepily. Mr.Rinch, their despicable eighth-period Biology teacher had abundantly left him to bore. Yet he still asks why was he sleeping.

"Um, no Sir?" he said in question. The teacher went back to teaching his lesson.

The bell rung, students pilling out of the lit up classroom everyone dreaded. Lachlan dragged himself to the school's cafeteria anticipating for the day to come to an end. His legs move him to his usual spot he shared with his friends.




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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2018 ⏰

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