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"Ma'am, you're going to have to stop running if you don't want to go to real life prison." One of them exclaimed, and he could hear his sister growl in anger.

If he were to zoom into her face, he would have seen the fear and anguish his relative withheld in her mind. However, he was not close enough, so he could not spot the days of nightmares and days quivering in her dreams she spent.

Slowly, yet stealthily, Elias managed to catch up with the crowd, his sister still being chased. With a silent grunt, he pushed his legs faster, creeping up behind the officers. There was a small black item that grasped tightly in the officers' hand, pointed at his sister.

"Fuck," He cursed, quickening his pace. By then, he was right behind the officers in the middle. Grey was beginning to stumble, breathing harder and quicker by the second.

Elias lunged at the man, using his long arms to reach and punch the officer hardly on the shoulder, emitting a grunt from the officer. "Agh!" He exclaimed, slowing his run and grabbing his hurt shoulder. Without any hesitation, Elias swung another punch at the officer's face, aiming for the nose. He was now running backwards, facing the officer and sending flying punches.

The other two officers were still running, eyes widening with every punch sent to their friends' face. Yet they were still pointing the gun at Grey and sprinting for their lives. Elias would not stop until the gun was facing away from her, or anyone else he cared about.

With a swift kick to the calves, the officer in the middle was down, clutching his bruised and hurt leg. The gun in his hand loosely scampered to the sidewalk, where it wouldn't harm anyone else. The only harm done would be caused by Elias, nobody else.

"Grey!" He exclaimed, and his sister turned her head to face him, sobbing and crying, still helplessly running. By now, he was catching up to the other two guards. "Run! Keep running faster! Don't look back!"

She took his advice pumping her legs to an even faster pace, she ran. The guards behind her were lacking speed, panting and sweating. By now, Grey's bare feet were aching, cut and split up by several rocks, shards of glass, and other various objects littering the floor. 

Her bland blue hospital gown was stained by who-knows-what, and impotent tears leaked from her eyes. Pain radiated everywhere on her body. emotional, physical, and mental.

Elias started to see his sister struggling to run. So, without anymore slacking, he ran behind the guard on the right and elbowed him in the neck. 

The man voiced out a loud, strangled cry, and stopped running altogether, almost tripping Elias. The other officer stopped running, and it was just the three of them, dancing a dangerous game of charades.




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